Thursday, September 16, 2010


Aklan Needs P4.5 M To Equip PNP SWAT
by Venus Villanueva
The province of Aklan needs to shell out almost P4.5 million to have a fully-equipped and well-trained Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) members from the Philippine National Police that could respond effectively to crisis situations.

In a recent meeting of the newly-formed Technical Working Group (TWG) for the establishment of a Crisis Management Committee of the province, Aklan Police Provincial Office Provincial Director Epifanio A. Bragais, Jr. told members that the amount comprises the purchase of firearms, individual equipment and uniforms, communication equipments and ordnance items.

PSSupt. Bragais also said the SWAT team also needs fund support for its training requirement.

Bragais disclosed the SWAT funding requirement during his Briefing Presentation of Crisis Management Organization and Its Structure/Presentation of Composition of SWAT Team and Equipment during the recent meeting of the TWG at the APPO Headquarters in Camp Pastor Martelino in New Buswang.

The formartion of the TWG for the Crisis Management Committee in Aklan came about due to the bloody hostage-taking incident at the Quirino Grandstand, Manila which resulted to the death of 8 Hongkong tourists which triggered the Aklan SP led by Vice Gov. Gabrielle V. Calizo-Quimpo to sponsor a collective resolution requesting the DILG and the law enforcement agencies under it, particularly the Philippine National Police, the Provincial Government of Aklan, all related national and local government agencies, and private sector organizations in the province to organize a security crisis management structure to craft and implement a ready, doable, adequate and responsive security plan and protocol designed to preempt and effectively respond to crisis situations involving security matters particularly focused on the tourist gateways and destinations in Aklan.

In answer to this, Aklan Governor Carlito S. Marquez is due to release an Executive Order to create and strengthen the TWG for the establishment of a Crisis Management Committee.

Based on the presentation of APPO Director Bragais, the national organizational level is composed of the National Peace and Order Council (NPOC); NPOC Crisis Management Committee (CMC) composed of the DILG Secretary, DND Secretary, DSWD Secretary; DOJ Secretary, the Chairman of the Cabinet Crisis Committee; the NHQ, PNP and the GHQ AFP.

The regional level’s composition includes the Regional Peace and Order Council (RPOC), the Regional Crisis Management Committee, Regional Crisis Management Committee, AFP units in the region, the Philippine Cpast Guard, Philippine Marine Brigades, Regional Non-Government Organizations and PNP units in the region.

The Provincial and municipal level follow the same pattern. Except in the case of municipalities, the DOJ is represented by the Municipal Attorney or Prosecutor.

Subsequent meetings of the TWG are now regularly held and scheduled weekly for each group members to present his respective agency contingency measures in case of emergencies, disasters and hostage-takers with the aim of drafting a doable, adequate and responsive provincial security plan and protocols/proceducres. /MP

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