Sunday, September 26, 2010

Entrepreneurial Farmer

Ambrosio R. Villorente
The Difference
After one decade, Metro Manila has changed. The use of modern information technology enabled the newsboy to stop vending newspapers along the roads. Newsboys are no longer visible on the roadsides to sell newspapers. Even the sidewalk vendors had only limited copies of newspapers for sale every morning.

Today, most of the people of Metro Manila have their own laptops which they connect to the internet to read the news reports. Unlike before, people have converged in Metro Manila which brought about several problems. There is squatting problem for lack of space, garbage, traffic, peace, order, pollution. Name a problem, and they have it in Metro Manila.

Multi storey buildings are increasing but not enough. Cost of food and anything are increasing. inspite of the multi – level roads and highways, vehicles move at a very slow speed.

Tried to drive in Metro Manila this week and I lost my way because of the physical changes. I thought I can do it because I lived in Metro Manila for 45 years (1955 – 2000). But no!

Why not move out of Metro Manila, back to your roots? Just take a vacation if necessary. Leaving Metro Manila for the province will mitigate the difficult condition in Metro Manila.

I feel good after returning to the Province, Aklan. There are more good food, limited pollution, and good neighbors. Life amenities are better.

Major, Major Review

The report of the Incident Investigation and Review Committee (IIRC) that investigated the August 23 hostage taking incident was submitted to P-noy and to the Hongkong officials.

However, it will be reviewed by a committee composed of the Executive Secretary and the Presidential Legal Adviser before P-noy will take any action on the said report.

The IIRC which investigated the incident and made the report was chaired by DOJ Secretary Leila de Lima. If ever the review is made, Sec. de Lima must not be included. She made the report and she must have studied all aspects of the report. Why include her in the review?

If ever she joins in the review, it must be limited to the explanation she may give on items not clear to the review committee.

Eat Hotdog

Reports reached us that President Noynoy and party ate hotdog in New York. They also ate lunch which cost $2,000.

To me, that is a minor information to hear. I expect them to live a normal life, especially abroad. That information brings more humiliation and complex to the Filipinos.

The best information to hear is the favorable attitude of his counterparts broad toward the Philippines and the Filipinos. It will be best to know the respect accorded President Noynoy by other heads of states.

Dengue and Perfume

Perfume a person uses to attract other persons, especially the opposite sex also attracts Dengue mosquitoes and malaria mosquitoes.

According to Dr. Estrella Cruz, mosquitoes are attracted to people "who sprayed too much perfume or cologne, who sweated profusely, wore dark sleeveless clothing and shorts. Mosquitoes re attracted to hundreds of stimuli, as it can smell humans more so often when sprayed perfume and when one sweats."

Dr. Estrella Cruz is an entomologist at the Research Institute of Tropical Medicine. /MP

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