Thursday, September 30, 2010

Entrepreneurial Farmer

Ambrosio R. Villorente
The return of the ambulant vendors to Toting Reyes Street, Kalibo, Aklan means retrogression. This is backward looking and backward walking.

After the ambulant vendors left Toting Reyes Street five years ago, the area became passable to both vehicles and pedestrians. Now, some of those who advocated for the ambulant vendors to leave Toting Reyes are now opting for their return.

The return of the ambulant vendors to Toting Reyes will enable Kalibo to loss opportunities to advance forward. Once the ambulant vendors return to Toting Reyes St., the enthusiasm and the drive to search for a better market site will subside. This will serve as setback of Kalibo. To allow the return of ambulant vendors to Toting Reyes is a defeatist decision.

Leaders are contented of what is available even if of inferior site. They stunt to explore areas where everybody is agreeable.

After five years of leaving Toting Reyes Street for the exclusive use of pedestrians and vehicles, did it make Kalibo different? Inferior?

Is it correct to say that the present leadership of Kalibo does not want to construct but it only wants to utilize? The number of vehicles running in Kalibo and people in Kalibo have tremendously increased but notice, there is no additional road constructed.
Reclassify Aklan

The Sangguniang Panlalawigan of Aklan has approved Resolution No. 2010 – 086 to reclassify the Province of Aklan from second to first class province. The reclassification request is based on the Aklan provincial income from Calendar Year (CY) 2005 of P365,434, 927.75 which increased annually until CY 2008 at P650,347,960.26.

This is a good move, a progressive one. The Department of Finance cannot do otherwise but to approve this request.
Blood Banking

It is not only money that is being banked. Blood is being banked as well. Excess money is deposited in a bank to be withdrawn when needed. Likewise, blood can also be deposited in a blood bank maybe operated by a hospital or by the Philippine Red Cross (PRC) operating in a province, Aklan for instance. Anytime a member of the family who deposited blood, and needs it can withdraw where it was deposited.
Hon. Victor Manuel M. Garcia has filed SP Resolution requesting Gov. Carlito S. Marquez budget to finance the putting up of a blood bank in DRSTMH. Based on his estimate, the sum of P7.3 million is needed to procure two brand new blood bank refrigerators, brand new plasma freezer, brand new portable automatic sealer, brand new pharmaceutical refrigerator, brand new blood collection mixer, and other equipment. How about approving it?
Another Crown

Congratulations! Madam Vicky Ramos Antonino for your election as Chairman of the Regional (Region VI) Tourism Council. She out voted former Congressman John Orola of Bacolod City during the election on Sept. 30.

This is another crown for Madam Vicky who also co-chairs the Aklan Provincial Tourism Council. /MP

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