Thursday, September 02, 2010

MOVE Aklan Lauds Lapid Bill Against Prostate Cancer

‘An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure’ an old adage but apt to combat this chronic disease that afflicts Filipino men. The Lapid Bill, if approved into law will require a comprehensive national screening program by the government for all males so that they can avoid prostrate cancer. It is strongly supported by men’s organization in Aklan. According to Senator Lito Lapid, a study shows that in the country, four Filipino men are found everyday to have prostate cancer.

The Men Opposed to Violence Against Women Everywhere (MOVE) Aklan Chapter, an organization of principled men in the elimination of all forms of violence, is strongly endorsing Sen. Lito Lapid’s bill to combat the prostate cancer disease. This is Senate Bill No. 1018 which prompted Lapid to file in the Senate due to World Health Organization’s data that prostate cancer is the sixth "malign tumors" of men for which one dies in every 19 minutes. Lapid further disclosed that prostate cancer is one among the top five cancers that afflict men in the country followed by lung cancer.

Further studies revealed that for every 10 men found to have the prostate symptoms, one has cancer but others are symptoms of non-cancerous enlargement called prostatic hypertophy (BHP). The bill introduced tells prostate cancer can be treated if detected earlier. Doctors are reiterating an early screening including digital rectal examination.

MOVE Aklan continues to advocate not only the elimination of all forms of violence perpetuated by men against women and children but also to promote wellness among its members. Last year, MOVE Aklan held a lecture on Prostate Cancer and a free digital rectal examination for its members and other stakeholders conducted by Dr Victor Acepcion, an urologist. The activity was also in line with its program not only to advocate for a violence- free Aklan but also for men’s health in the province. /MP

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