Thursday, October 07, 2010


Experience Driving: An Ordeal
Driving around Aklan is an experience! A challenge! An enjoyable undertaking, But you may get a nervous breakdown at its worst. Yes, it is. Why?

When on the wheels of your car, you may be constantly tense. Or maybe in constant crisis. But be fully alert. Doubly alert. How?

While leisurely driving your car, you don’t know what may come next. Especially with a horde of motorcycles or tricycles, or even cars and vans, racing ahead or behind you. Or coming your way, from the opposite direction, navigating on your lane. Of course on the lane you are on (your lane called counterflow).

And beware, those coming behind you may pass (overtake) you from the right. Before you know it, you may hit the motorcycle, or tricycle, or even a car, racing with you from the wrong side. Of course the motorcycle driver may have no helmet (the helmet is usually hanged on either side of the wheel of the head lamp or driver’s elbow).

I have one experience while driving. A young lady driver, no helmet of course, was in a hurry. And she was navigating on my lane (counterflow). Driving slowly due to heavy traffic, I suddenly stopped the car and asked the lady, why (she is running against the traffic?)

The answer? "I’m in a hurry Sir," she said. Then I asked her, where to? Hospital or cemetery? She just gave a sour smile.

A lot of drivers just don’t follow traffic rules (ignorant). Or they just ignore these rules. Yes, this is even true with professionals (not with professional drivers license, ha!) They don’t respect traffic signs. The NO PASSING (no overtaking) SIGN is just ignored. Even on dangerous curves probably they don’t understand that signage. Or don’t/couldn’t see them. Or don’t know how to read. The majority CAN’T read (or see) the word ‘YIELD’ posted on corners.

A friend once said that these drivers have not attended any driver’s seminars. They did, but how? Do they listen during these sessions?

One time, some time ago, I happen to pass by the lecture hall where the Land Transportation Office (LTO) Provincial Director was delivering a lecture. I saw the drivers, or prospective drivers, having animated conversations at the back. The same is true some time later, with the TRAFCOM head doing the same. When I met him, and the TRAFCOM officer, later, I jokingly told our LTO provincial director that I was mad when I saw these student/drivers. I told him that I wanted to stone those lecture participants because they are insulting my friend – not listening to him. I also told the same to TRAFCOM office.

At the end of the day, they received a certificate of attendance for just attending. That’s it. Nothing learned, but the certificate.

I really enjoy watching tricycle drivers especially when they execute left turns. Watch their signal. It’s beautiful and enjoyable to see. They use their left foot pointing leftward. I’m afraid a reckless driver from behind may make a pass and cuts his left foot.

Or their left hand shaking, as if shaking away some wet dirt or dirty water. Or shaking away some drops of water from their left hand (ga wesik-wesik in Akeanon).

On Parking

Everyone just park everywhere, anywhere – left, right or center of the road or street. Go around anytime in Aklan and see vehicles parked anywhere. And what is sad is that they park their beautiful cars even in front of police stations, town halls, and beside "NO PARKING" signs. For majority of our drivers can not read signs. What a sight!

On Loading/Unloading

The loading and unloading of passengers is done anywhere the driver pleases. There is a sign, "NO LOADING/UNLOADING" signs. Yes, passengers may go up or down their tricycles or multicab, in front of these signs. And without hustle. But these signages can’t be seen, even how big the letters are. These seem not to exist. And when reminded, our drivers give you a blank stare.

Yes, with traffic enforcers standing beside the "NO PARKING" or "NO LOADING/UNLOADING" signs. They also pretend not to notice any thing. So life goes on as usual. No apprehensions.

And watch when a passenger vehicle, a multicab, a jitney or tricycle, or even private vehicles like cars and vans, unload a passenger. Watch out. They just swerve without making signals to their left, or their right. "Grabbing" your lane, and unload their passengers.

At Junctions/Corners. Just be very careful here. If you think you are free to speed up your car to 70 to 80 kms. per hour you are wrong. You might hit a big truck coming out of the corner. And you think you are safe because there is a "YIELD" sign? You are wrong again. Our drivers can’t see this signage. Don’t say only the less educated tricycle or motorcycle drivers for the professionals as well, teachers, lawyers, CPAs, other college graduates and others. Again, these signboards can’t be seen no matter how huge the letters are. Or do they understand what it means?

And when on the highway, cruising at 70 to 80 kpm, don’t say you are safe. Other small vehicles running as fast or faster or very slow, may be cruising at the middle of the road. It wont give way even if your horn is so loud that may damage their ear drums.

When tailing (following) a vehicle, whether a car, a ten wheeler truck, a multicab or a tricycle, don’t trust that you are safe. The vehicle ahead of you may swerve to either left or right without warning. And without an indication he is turning. No signal light blinking. Neither a hand signal is seen. So be alert, you might bump on that vehicle.
Many, many more unforeseen and unpre-dictable movements of our genius drivers are here. They certainly have so many antiques which drivers from other countries don’t have.

You’ll really enjoy! I bet you will. But don’t get nervous. Just be alert, doubly alert to save your life and limbs! Enjoy driving your car at your own risk. Can our local LGU officials make the roads enjoyable and safe? /MP

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