Monday, October 25, 2010

Entrepreneurial Farmer

Ambrosio R. Villorente
Her Honor
"God’s finger touched her and she slept." At three o’clock, Monday afternoon, October 11, my loving wife, Rencee talked to me, "Papa, natapos ko eon tanan rang obra, mahuway eon ako. Ikaw, owa ka pa ka human, padayona lang." (Papa, I finished all my works. I will now rest. You have not yet complied with all your work, please continue serving.)

I whispered to her, "Mahae ko ikaw. Kon ano man rang mga kasae-anan, patawara gid ako. Ro akong pagkueang, imo eon lang dugangan". (I love you. Please forgive me for all the mistakes I committed against you. Kindly add to any shortcomings I have with you.)

That was the final conversation we had in our 49 years, nine months and 10 days married life. At 8:00 o’clock that evening, Rencee returned to our good Lord, God in a sweet death smiling in my presence holding her hands, our four children around her bed. We hardly noticed she stopped breathing.

In this column, may I publish their text messages sent to me which mitigated my grief due to the loss of a loved one.
October 11, 2010
Text Messages

Sorry to hear about Nang Rencee. Please accept our condolences. (Atty. And Mrs. Nolly Sodusta)

Condolence Uncle. May our good Lord bless her soul! (Pete Ruiz)

Our deepest condolence. May her soul rest in peace with the Lord. (Dr. Reinalda Magdaluyo)

Our deep condolence and sympathy on the loss of your beloved wife. (Atty. Kel Tolentino)

My prayer for you that you’ll be as strong and faithful to the Great Almighty and that Auntie Rencee will have the peace and joy with Him. My deep condolence to the whole family. (Dr. Marivel Villorente)

Sorry to hear about Tita Rencee. God took away her pain. She is happy now with our creator. Stay strong. God bless! (Megs Lunn)

Our condolences for the passing of Dra. Villorente. (From Arcely Pelayo & your Red Cross Family)

My family expresses our deepest sorrow on the loss of your beloved... Condolence and our prayer for the eternal repose of her soul. (Billy Arguelles)

Everybody hear on air RGMA-DYRU. Our seminary fathers sent their condolences and sympathy. (Megs Lunn)

Our deepest sympathy and heartfelt condolences for untimely death of Nang Rencee. Be consoled with the thought that she will start an everlasting life. (Atty. & Mrs. Niovady Marin)

Dear PP Botoy, we continue our prayers to dear Nang Rencee, we know she is in the arms of our Lord & Dear Mother Mary. She is happy and free of pain. Nang Rencee will now look after you and all she loves from heaven. (Morris)

Good am. Tita Rencee passed away last night of stomach cancer. Pls. pray for her soul to rest in peace. Florencia "Rencee" Fernandez Villorente. She is the beloved wife of Dr. Botoy Villorente. Thanks (Megs Lunn)

Please convey my condolence to PP Botoy (PDG Edgar N.)

Sad news is always a moment to reflect. Please extend my sincerest condolences to TM Botoy. (TM Philip and the whole Div. D)

Sincere condolences on the passing of your wife, Tita Rencee. May her soul rest in peace. Amen (James & Tess Makasiar)

Our condolences to the bereaved family. (from RMN-DYKR staff)

We are all saddened by the news. God in His mercy knows what is best for Nay Rencee. We are all praying for the peace of the family. (Atty. Allen S. Quimpo)

Good pm sir, Our condolences and prayers. We’ll gonna miss Maam Rencee. (Mary Ann-ATI)

Condolences! We need u! concerned gid c Aldred. Pa confirm nya contact # mo. (Ms. Angelda Baylon)

Doc Botoy, so sad to hear about Ma’am Rencee. Be strong in the Lord. Our prayers with you. (TM Emily Go Villanueva, Division D)

Barangay TMC is sending its deep sympathy with the passing of your wife. God be with you in this hour. (DTM)

Hello po. This is TM Cherrie. In behalf of NOCECO TMC, I would like to express our deepest sympathy. May God’s comfort be with you and the whole family.

God’s will is sometimes hard to take, but that’s His will. (DTM Greg)

Our deepest sympathy from our hearts, we bear with you and family the grief. My regrets di ko manlang na hug sya. (Eden ATI)

My condolences to you and your family. (Gov. Mhel Sillador, Toastmasters International)

Sir, our sympathy and condolences to you and your family. (From 4th year Masscom of NVC)

Our condolences sir, from all of us here at Jade Archt. Glass (E. Mollo)

Sir our sympathy and condolences. (Fatima, NVC)

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