Thursday, October 28, 2010

Entrepreneurial Farmer

Ambrosio R. Villorente
Her Wishes
"Whatever things ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them and ye shall have them". My beloved wife, Rencee got what she asked.

Before our marriage, we talked about our dreams, our problems, our directions, and our aspirations. After our marriage, we talked about raising our family, our jobs, our family life.

With God’s blessings, we realized our dreams, our aspirations. Together, we sent our six children to excellent schools, and universities more on scholarship grants. They are now all professionals. We developed and built a home and acquired assets through diligent and frugal spending.

Last year, one year before she was diagnosed a cancer patient, she told me she prefers to die ahead of me. I was shocked. Why discussed death? She replied, "we are now living on a bonus life.

A few months later, Rencee requested me that after her death, her remains be cremated and finally placed in the family mausoleum in Badio. "Why deprive your friends and relatives from viewing and pay you their last respects?" I asked. "May I request them to view my pictures while I was alive but not my dead body", she requested me to tell them.

On September 19, our family was complete. Our six children, four grand children, and one daughter-in-law and two sons-in-law gathered in our house in Quezon City.

She was in high spirit. Rencee requested that we conducted photo session with all males in barong tagalong and females in long gown. It was done. After three days, her health condition deteriorated. She was taken to the hospital. After three days, she requested she just stay home.

From her photo album, she selected some six pictures for enlargement and framed. On October 11, Rencee told me, "Papa I’m through with all my works. "I’ll go ahead". She bidded me good bye, she was happy.

God granted her wishes. Rencee’s body lay in state at Loyola Memorial Homes for three nights. Her body was cremated at 4:00 o’clock Thursday afternoon, October 14 after the funeral rites. Her ashes was backed in Numancia on the early dawn, Friday, October 15.

Thank you very much to the officers and members of the Rotary Club of Kalibo, Kalantiao Toastmasters Club, Kalibo Badminton Club, and some members of the Aklan working journalists. With former Aklan congressman, Atty. Allen S. Quimpo and Mrs. Marianne Quimpo, they delayed their sleep, proceeded to the Kalibo International Airport, Pook, Kalibo at the middle of the night (12:30 dawn) and welcomed the remains (ash) of their departed friend. The group went to Badio, Numancia on a convoy. Rencee Fernandez Villorente and family are highly honored of the welcome rites we shall forever remember.

May I acknowledge and thank our friends who texted me their condolences.

Extending our deepest sympathy to PP Botoy. (Toto Locsin & the Iloilo Red Cross)
Our Deepest Sympathy and Condolence to PP Botoy and his Family for the passing of his beloved wife. (Lindon Seediet, RC Dipolog)

The loss of a loved one is never easy. In behalf of the Rotary Club of Dipolog, we offer our deepest condolences and sympathy. (Bryan Micah Lim, Club President – RC Dipolog)

The officers and members of Rotary Club of Metro Roxas Central grieved with you and family for the loss of your beloved wife. Our condolences and prayers. (Rotary Club of Metro Roxas Central)

Extending my deepest sympathy to PP Botoy Villorente (of RC Kalibo) and his family on the passing away of his beloved wife. May her soul rest in peace. (PP Chit Noche, RC Metro Roxas Central)

Our sympathy for the passing away of your beloved wife. May your strength be drawn from the wonderful memories of her, as a wife and as a mother and rejoice in the thought that she is now in the company of her Creator. (RC Boracay)

Our prayers goes with you and family that the Lord Jesus will give you spiritual comfort as you face another chapter of your life, going on with Ma’am Rencee’s memories, legacies. (Eden Bautista)

Our sincere condolences, prayers and deepest sympathy to the untimely death of your wife, our brother, Dr. Villorente. (Eliseo Villanueva, Tarlac City)

This is Father Josue. My regrets that I wasn’t able to come to condole with you in your bereavement. Rest assure that as you send back Nang Rencee to God, my prayers will be accompanying her. I’ll be offering masses for eternal repose of her soul. May she rest in peace in God’s presence with love. (Fr. Josue Escalona.) /MP

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