Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Fond Memories

Hon. Mayor William S. Lachica of the Municipality of Kalibo, delivered his 1st 100 DAYS accomplishment report in office last October 11, 2010 at the 3rd Floor of the Kalibo Municipal Function Hall, the first report to the people by the Mayor in the history of Kalibo. Notwithstanding the challenges he faced as soon as he assumed office after the election. The good Mayor has to face the fact of an empty office, empty savings and empty files to name a few. However, as his personality shows, it is innate to Mayor Lachica to stay and look cool, amidst tensions and criticisms.

Bridging the gap of political differences to which he is duty bound to perform before his constituents, he leads by example. Coming to office as early as 7:00 o’clock in the morning and bringing home office works for signatures; his exemplary performance for 100 Days is just the beginning of his journey towards a better Kalibo.

He warned the cheaters, the corrupt, the employee/s who comes late and do not do his/her work according to the call of duty and other observations; all of these are in scrutiny before the many eyes of his critics.

Mayor Lachica recognized the very vital elements in an organization - the Feedback-Rich-Culture. He believes in stepping forward to growth, inspite of the many backlogs the former administration has left him. He thanked the members of the Tri-Media in the province of Aklan, for bringing him news to make rooms for improvement. He acknowledged likewise the many Civic Organizations who partners with him in his leadership towards the common good. He also gave importance to the needs of schools and Teachers, the men and women in uniform of the Aklan Police Provincial Office, the Senior Citizens, the Livelihood, Health and Sanitation is of utmost attention, too. To avoid corruption, he favored the giving of grants directly to the beneficiaries so as to avoid contractors over charging on program of works. Impressive, huh!

May his Department Heads will emulate Mayor Lachica’s work ethics. May they continue to serve with humility and with a smile. As front liners of the Mayor’s Office, they are bound to face their clientele with a positive attitude and humbleness of heart. They will be behind Mayor Lachica’s vision towards a successful leadership that strives to pursue a holistic development strategy for the general welfare of Kalibonhons. Good governance starts from within – with a heart that is willing to serve and is committed towards the LAW OF THE BIG PICTURE - that the goal is more important than the role.

We wish Hon. William S. Lachica all the best in his term, towards a dynamic, empowered and progressive Kalibo.


There are countless times and memories of Tita Rencee that we will surely miss. Her humility and meekness of heart, her thoughtfulness and generosity for those in need, her smile amidst the pain and so much more, has thought us to remember life with fondness.

Tita Rencee is now in God’s embrace. She is no longer in pain. We thanked God for HIS deliverance upon her.

Tita, rejoice now in the peacefulness of heaven. Thank you for the priceless memories we spent together as family, friends and neighbors.

To those who prayed for her and until the end of her last breathe, thank you very much, on behalf of her family.

Tita, we will always remember you. Rest well now. /MP

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