Thursday, October 28, 2010

Towards A Dynamic, Empowered & Progressive Kalibo *

(Third of a Series)
* First 100 Days Accomplishment Report delivered by Hon. William S. Lachica, Mayor of Kalibo, Aklan on October 11, 2010 at 3rd floor, Kalibo Municipal Building, Kalibo, Aklan.

Councils Formed Thru Executive Orders
Some 17 Executive Orders were issued from July 1, 2010 to present. As provided under the Local Government Code of 1991, we reorganized the Municipal Bids and Awards Committee (BAC), Municipal Disaster and Coordinating Council (MDCC), Municipal School Board, Municipal Development Council Municipal Health Board, Peace and Order Council.

Executive Orders issued also constituted the (1) Inter-Agency Council for Public Safety, Peace and Order, (2) Disposal Committee of all unserviceable, obsolete and/or excess government property, equipment, supplies and materials, (3) Executive – Legislative Agenda Team (ELA-Team), (4) an investigative body to prove the alleged excessive issuance of new franchise for tricycles for hire and for the Investigative Body to make recommendations for consideration of the Local Chief Executive and the Sangguniang Bayan, and (5) Board of Directors of the Municipal Economic and Development Office.

We reconstituted the Personnel Selection Board, Grievance Machinery, Program on Awards and Incentives for Service Excellence (PRAISE) Committee, Performance Evaluation Review Committee (PERC) and Committee on Decorum and Investigation. Likewise, we have reconstituted the Committee to lead and oversee the installation and implementation of Performance Management System-Office Performance Evaluation System.

Administrative Governance

Human Resource Management and Development. With the passage of Citizen’s Charter, this administration will give emphasis to the fast quality service delivery to eradicate red tape in the bureaucracy, further paves the way to shorten the waiting time for business transactions and give immediate response to concerns brought to the attention of the Municipal Government. The operation of the Business-One-Stop-Shop is sustained as a business friendly approach to save time, money, energy and resources. Concerned offices and entities are confined in one roof to process documents of transacting public.

Every Monday, the Flag Raising Ceremony together with the Sangguniang Bayan members and the entire workforce of the Municipal Government will be done to show that we are one in serving the people. Words of encouragement are imparted to start the weeks work with inspiration to motivate human resources to perform their duties. Aside from being together, it is also the opportunity to convey first hand information on how far have we gone, what are the things to be done, and soliciting their suggestion for better public service delivery especially emphasizing courtesy and prompt service.

Innovative approaches implemented to best deliver the service to the people are: personalized service to clients; working beyond the regular office hours taking extra miles; transparency on government transactions; bridging the gap of political differences; austerity measure, government funds; open employment opportunities with utilization of manpower to serve the community; repainting, retrieval, build up of equipment/facilities of Kalibo; contracted services of Legal Adviser and Health Advisers for the benefit of the Municipal Government; participatory governance through a strong tie up with the private sector, the civil society organizations; transferred the processing of tricycle franchise to Sangguniang Bayan.

To serve as the blueprint of development to guide us in the next three years in administering this town, the Executive Legislative Agenda (ELA) was formulated. I thanked the local functionaries of the LGU, other national government agencies, the civil society organizations and the stakeholders in the community who crafted this ELA.

We intensified security service to our Municipal Buildings and other properties of the Municipal Government that prevented damage and losses as well as intensified intelligence network that minimized or deterred commission, conduct of anomalous/unscrupulous transactions.

Revenue Generation. To pursue viable and adequate measure to maximize revenue generation. The Office of the Municipal Treasurer collected P6,680,339.15 and shared of IRA and VAT of P19,322.910, a total of P26,003,249.15 for the first 100 days of my administration.

Also recorded is the collection of P917,665.23 for July-September, 2010 as regards Special Education Fund (SEF), the municipal share from the Real Property Tax Collection.

The Municipal Economic Enterprise and Development Office is composed of the market, cash, tourism, and cultural affairs, public affairs/information and communication, agricultural services, transport and traffic management and building/grounds maintenance divisions generated a total of P4,612.037.27 for July-September. It aims to generate more revenues for the local government without sacrificing the delivery of services to the people.

Introduced innovations on the programming of DYYM 98.5 Katribu Radio to bring the local government closer to the people.

Fully operationalize the Ati-Atihan Country Inn formerly the Kalibo Youth Hostel as another income generating facility, and improved the Tourist Police, Information and Rest Area as a positive step towards revenue generation. The Tourism and Cultural Affairs Division conducted surveys of tourism statistics and produced and updated the town’s official brochure. The information and Com-munication Technology Desk regularly updates the official website of the local government and created data banks of targeted potential markets.

Pursued efforts to guard the historical and cultural heritage and resources artistic creations and undertake the restoration, upkeep and maintenance of historical sites and structures for tourism purposes. We are in tie up with the National Historical Commission of the Philippines in the administration of historical sites, structures and memorabilia in the capital town and in the restoration, preservation and conservation of objects of historical values.

Kalibo accepted the invitation of the City of Los Baños, Laguna. Four winning tribes with some delegates participated in the Bañamos Festival last Sept. 17-18, 2010 to entertain and add color to their festivity. This gave opportunity for Kalibo to promote our famous Kalibo Ati-Atihan.

Resource Allocation and Utilization

Finance Committee Meeting is regularly conducted to evaluate the collection of income and status of expenditures so as to guide local officials on the financial standing of the Municipality. This practice aided in properly determining priorities in the implementation of programs and projects which end result is having a dynamic and healthy fiscal administration.

The observance of austerity measures particularly in the use of water and electricity by instructing the Engineering Office to inspect and repair all comfort rooms reduced water bill by 30 percent. We minimized attendance to trainings and seminars not relevant to the thrust of local governance. The Municipal Engineer is instructed to fast track the implementation of projects with a continuing appropriations from previous budget that were not implemented by the previous administration in answer to the Commission on Audit’s findings in the 2009 Annual Audit Report.

I have given instructions to conduct immediate repair on unserviceable motor vehicles of the LGU Kalibo particularly the Kalibo PNP, Local School Board and motorcycles of concerned offices.

For the ensuing fiscal year 2011, I issued a Budget Call for the submission of Budget Proposals for the Fiscal Year 2010 and thereafter conducted Budget Hearing for four days in September. We will be operating at 129.7 million pesos for the General Fund and 43 Million Pesos Budgets for the MEEDO to finance socio economic, general public service and other developments.

To provide legislative support for our various concerns, the SB introduced 51 resolutions and 4 ordinances. Auxiliary Police and the condonation of stall rental delinquency at the Kalibo Shopping Center and the Kalibo Public Market, Fruit Stand are effected.

We adopted the Executive Legislative Agenda and the Capacity Development Plan, the organization of the Bantay Bayan Search and Rescue Unit, the proposed conversion of Tricycle Operators and Drivers Association into transport service cooperatives and the assessment of the soundness of the Water Reservoir of the Kalibo Water District at 19 Martyrs Street, Kalibo.

The legislative body has authorized the Local Chief Executive to enter into a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with KASAFI for the successful 2011 Kalibo Ati-Atihan Festival, MOA with the National Food Authority for the purchase of rice on credit for relief operations during emergencies and the Memorandum of Understanding with the Aklan Medical Society relative to the UN Millennium Development Goals.

Customer Service-Civil Applications

The Office of the Municipal Registrar has provided civil registry services to clients earning P183,000. This administration is working for the transformation of the civil application system needs into a seamless transactional process to ensure the ease of obtaining civil registry. (to be continued next issue) /MP

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