Thursday, November 04, 2010

Aklan Registers Highest Filariasis Cases

Aklan province registers the highest number of Filariasis cases in Western Visayas, according to the Department of Health (DOH).

A DOH study of the province of Aklan revealed that there is a microfilaria rate of 6.20 percent followed by the provinces of Iloilo, Capiz and Antique.

Filariasis, which is endemic to the Panay Island, comes from bacteria being transferred by female mosquitoes. The victims who are suffering from filariasis normally have permanently large parts of the body due to the infected mosquito bite.

The DOH discovered filariasis cases in the hinterlands of Libacao and Madalag. Those infected in Iloilo were found in several barangays of Janiuay, Lambunao amd Concepcion.

Filariasis records in Capiz reported cases in Tapaz and Dumalag towns while in Antique Filariasis is in the towns of Valderrama and Bugasong.

The DOH has scheduled the month of October for a free mass vaccination against Filariasis. Those who have asthma and are pregnant mothers, however, are not included.

Hundreds of Airline Passengers Stranded At Iloilo Airport

Hundreds of passengers of Air Philippines were stranded at the Iloilo International airport in Cabatuan, Iloilo brought about by the cancellation of flights bound for Manila.

Dismayed passengers have waited since 6 o’clock Monday morning last week at the airport’s pre-departure area only to be informed by the airline management on the cancellation of their flights.

The stranded passengers belong to the 1st and 2nd flights which were re-scheduled for the 8:30 p.m. and 9:00 p.m.

Passengers com- plained they were not given priority space despite their long wait while the 12 noon flight has been rescued for the scheduled 2 p.m. flight bound for Manila.

Passengers claimed the airline management has failed to clearly explain to the riding patrons the reason behind the delay. /MP

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