Thursday, November 04, 2010

Complete Boracay Drainage Project Malay SB Urges TIEZA

The Sangguniang Bayan (SB) of Malay which has jurisdiction of the Boracay Island resort has asked the Tourism Infrastructure Enterprise Zone Authority (TIEZA) to revive and complete its pending storm drainage project in Boracay.

Hon. Jonathan Cabrerra, Malay SB member has filed a resolution with the SB of Malay seeking for the completion of the project. According to Cabrerra, TIEZA has already started constructing the drainage project, but it has been suspended due to the problem with the contractor.

"The project construction has been started three years ago. The rainy season is coming so Boracay Island needs a functional drainage project by now," said Cabrera.
The TIEZA is formerly known as the Philippine Tourism Authority.

During rainy season, some lowland areas in Boracay island experience flooding due to the absence of drainage system.

According to Atty. Edgar Bocar representing the TIEZA, they plan to resume the project by November this year. (PNA) /MP

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