Thursday, November 25, 2010

Documents Confirm CPP Orders Extra Judicial Killing

Based on the revelations of former and captured Communist front secretaries in Region VI and confirmed by documents surrendered by a Communist front Secretary in Negros, the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) has ordered its armed wing, the New People’s Army, to execute their former mass supporters and leaders who have sided with the military.
Captured in Dumaguete City, Danilo Escropolo Badayos, Kilusang Rehiyon Sentral Bisayas Front Secretary, by virtue of a warrant of arrest dated January 14, 2010 issued by Judge Ananson Jayme of the Regional Trial Court, Bayawan City, for charges of rebellion. The documents containing these information were seized from him upon his arrest.
The documents reveal the CPP intends to pursue a strategy of terrorism guided by their vision of elevating the People’s war to the highest level; disregarding Rules of Engagement and respect for International Humanitarian Law.  The plans encourage the use of illegal landmines and explosives in populated areas, a clear violation of the CARHRIHL and the Geneva Convention which bans the use of landmines.  The documents also outlined the systematic murder of unarmed civilians, a way to terrorize the masses into submission.
During the celebration of the CPP-NPA-NDF’s 40th year, they vowed to elevate the People’s War to the highest level by increasing the volume of their violent activities.  They have adopted a more violent strategy wherein they intend to focus more on violent tactical offensives over mass-works. This sudden shift in strategy is a response to the successful insulating factor of the Army’s Civil Military Operations in insurgency affected barangays. These empowered barrios stand up against the NPA in the name of community defense and are now the targets of retaliation of the terrorists. 
According to 3ID Chief Major General Vicente Porto, "The recovery of these plans provides us a correct picture of the situation in our area, especially in Negros.  We now have everything we need to stay two steps ahead of the New People’s Army.  Our troops will continue to remain vigilant and with the information gathered off these documents, we will now bring the fight to them."
The most recent victim of the terrorist KR-N’s murderous rampage was Renante Canete, a former rebel member of the RPA’s Alex Boncayao Brigade. Canete was shot twice in the head one afternoon by five armed men of the New People’s Army near his home in barangay Lopez Jaena, Sagay City. The killers were reported to have fled towards Hacienda Erlinda, barangay Malasibog, in neighboring Escalante City. The army and the police are now conducting pursuit operations of the killers.
"We are seeing a pattern in these killings and terrorist acts consistent with the plans seized from front secretary Badayos. We now have evidence thru these documents that these systematic killing of civilians as military targets is sanctioned by the Communist Party’s highest leadership and are carried out by the NPA," said regional spokesman 1LT Mark Andrew T. Posadas of the Army’s 3rd Infantry Division. 
"With this latest killing in Negros island, the civilian death toll has risen to 170 percent compared to last year’s figures," Posadas said. The increase in civilian deaths perpetrated by the NPA in pursuit of this new strategy is indeed alarming.  We call on all peace-loving citizens to join us in seeking justice for those ruthlessly murdered at the hands of the terrorist New People’s Army.

We challenge our partners in Bayan Muna and Karapatan to show to us that championing human rights includes all Filipinos regardless of their profession or political inclination. This includes condemning and fighting for the human rights of those murdered by the New People’s Army terror groups. The more you keep silent on these murders, the more the public understands why you exist and who you are protecting.
We hope that these cases of extra-judicial killings in Region VI will find resolution so that the families and loved ones of those who perished in this conflict will attain peace of mind that comes with knowing what truly happened. /MP

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