Sunday, November 14, 2010


Breathing Fresh And Clean Air
"An Ordinance Amending Provincial Ordinance No. 4, Series of 1995 As Amended by Provincial Ordinance No. 02-005 for The Regulation of Smoking in Public Places, Including Public Conveyances, Advertise-ments, Promotions and Sponsorships of Tobacco Products, And Providing Penalties Therefore, In Accordance With The Tobacco Regulation Act of 2003 and Its Implementing Rules," was finally heard during a public hearing last November 3, 2010 at the Sangguniang Panlalawigan Session Hall, Capitol Site, Kalibo, Aklan. The Public Hearing was convened by SP Committee on Laws, Rules and Ordinances and SP Committee on Health and Social Services.

Alas! My hats-off to Hon. Selwyn C. Ibarreta, for sponsoring the said Provincial Ordinance that has been piling under SP Aklan desk. It is never too late to learn our lessons. There is always room for improvement. It’s never too late to implement the law.

Pity, I still remember giving my personal position letter to the Office of the Aklan Governor and Vice-Governor, Aklan Congressman in 2007. Again, in 2008, right after Typhoon Frank, another three separate folders were given to the same offices, but to no avail. I felt disappointed then, but never stopped fighting for. I felt that it was purposely ignored though. Why? Because, most often than not, the law makers are also the law breakers. People behind their desk have been smoking even inside their offices. That "NO SMOKING" notice is just right in front of their faces, or they simply ignored the notice? Or because, they are afraid to offend their fellow law makers? Or is it ignorance of the law? As my favorite saying, "they know how to read, but they don’t know how to understand". I wish they could then stop making laws when it is only "Ningas Kugon".

PNP Officer Nacion in his presentation during the hearing, "asked on what and how will be the contribution of the PNP in apprehending law breakers?"

Members of the Academe (DepEd Aklan) and civic organizations like the Kool Earth, Aklan Medical Society, Rotary Clubs, Kiwanis Clubs and Toastmasters International representatives expressed their strong support to the approval and rigid implementation of the provincial ordinance the soonest possible time. Even most of the towns’ Mayors and Vice-Mayors are likewise supporting the ordinance. In some LGUs, they are already implementing it at their own backyard. However, the question is, "Will this ordinance finally become the cutting edge between drafting the law and implementing the law on the other hand?"

There are many apprehensions of some public officials on some detailed provisions of the ordinance, but the bottomline is that, we are to implement the law. "The law is harsh, but that is the law." People will resist to change, but it is always the case. It is how the implementers of the law will become true to their words that they are indeed worthy of their position as law makers.

We have the right to breathe clean air, for life is good and precious. Indeed, we strongly support Provincial Ordinance No. 02-005 in accordance with the Tobacco Regulation Act of 2003. We also want you to be a RESPONSIBLE LAW MAKERS of Aklan not only by amending the Provincial Ordinance No. 4, Series of 1995, but to make sure that this law is strictly implemented. /MP

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