Thursday, November 04, 2010

Entrepreneurial Farmer

Ambrosio R. Villorente
Thank You!
"Her voice was ever soft, gentle and low, an excellent thing in woman." – Shakespeare. That was Dr. Rencee F. Villorente. She died gently on October 10 after a five month hospitalization against Gastric Cancer. Thank you very much to all the media outlets in Kalibo, Aklan which made our friends and relatives aware of Rencee’s inevitable death.

The kind words spoken about Rencee’s life diminished our grief as consequence of our loss. SM Butz Maquinto and staff of RGMA – DYRU informed their audience. Rolly Herrera of IBC-DYRG, upon learning Rencee’s death broadcast it. Kalibo Cable Television was so kind to include in its obituary and line ads until Rencee’s ashes was transferred to the family mausoleum on October 17.

The Fernandez – Villorente family is very grateful and thankful to the various media outlets in Aklan. We shall forever treasure your valued help extended us.

Tobacco Smoking

Hon. Selwyn Ibarreta of SP Aklan has filed a proposed ordinance that will regulate tobacco smoking in public place, public conveyances, advertisements, promotions and sponsorships of tobacco products, and to penalize anyone violating the ordinance after its approval and implementation.

After a public hearing was conducted on the proposal, all those who attended it was unanimous for its immediate approval with some recommendations to improve the ordinance. Even the two tobacco industry representatives indorsed immediate approval of the ordinance. For one thing, they offered to provide material assistance for its wide public awareness, acceptance and compliance to the ordinance.

However, some are apprehensive in its compliance in the implementation. It was suggested that any informer who helps in the apprehension of any culprit will be awarded a 50 percent share of the penalty collected. The tobacco product sellers must also be prohibited to selling its products to minors.

So that smokers will actually pop their cigarettes in the smoking area, sellers must not allow buyers to light their cigarettes inside the store. Sellers must be prohibited to provide lighter and match to the buyer to prevent smoking inside the store.

District Elections

Akelco has announced the holding of district elections for the members of the Board of Directors of Akelco.

The election for Kalibo and Numancia district is on Nov. 10. In New Washington – Batan, it will be on November 17, and in the Ibajay and Nabas district, it will be on November 23.

But what is the purpose of a member of Akelco BOD for being? Is it correct to say that a member of the Board of Akelco represents the election consumer – members in his district. He/she articulates their problems, aspirations and recommendations to the Board?

Until today, no Akelco Board Member has approach us regarding some problems with Akelco. Neither, they report to the consumer – members what are the doings in the Akelco.

Experience tells, candidates only asked consumer – members to vote for them. After the election nothing is heard of them.

But they also informed the consumer - members when they request for rate increase. For instance, they have applied for approval of the electric power purchase agreement between Aklan Electric Cooperative and Panay Energy Development Corporation. This aggreement will surely increase power rate. /MP

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