Monday, November 22, 2010

Entrepreneurial Farmer

Ambrosio R. Villorente
NEDA Consultation
The National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA), Region VI will conduct a Consultation – Workshop on the Medium – Term Regional Development Plan for 2010 – 2016. The consultation aims to get comments, suggestions and recommendations to further improve the regional plan.

The consultation is a whole day affair scheduled on November 30 at the Provincial Training Center, Old Buswang, Kalibo, Aklan. The NEDA Regional plan consists of 11 chapters based on National guidelines.

NEDA for years has been formulating plans following the accepted principles in development planning. Its past plans were found highly feasible but politics often ruins its execution.

One good example is the construction of International Airports. A multi billion pesos airport in Iloilo for the construction of International airport. The airport constructed is world class, globally competitive, but worst for neither a single plane has took off destined for abroad, nor a plane has landed coming from abroad.

In Kalibo, a P60 million airport was constructed and called Kalibo International Airport. It is now busy servicing planes serving Asia and the Philippines.

NEDA is mandated to formulate development plans but cannot depend its plans when politicians go against it.
Violates of Comelec Rules

According to the Commission On Elections, PNP and AFP, III violators of Comelec gun ban were apprehended in Western Visayas during the Barangay elections of the 111 violators, 19 were civilians, two government employees and one member of the AFP. Some 81 assorted firearms were confiscated in several checkpoints operations.
In Bacolod City, 30 violators were arrested, 16 firearms and eight bladed weapons followed by Iloilo City with 25 violators. In Negros Occidental, 24 persons were arrested for Comelec gun ban.

There is no reported incident in Aklan. The Sigcay incident on election day on October 25 was not included in the report.

ASU President

If plans are carried out, Aklan State University will have a new president in January 2011 Vice Dr. Benny Palma. Dr. Palma’s term as president of ASU has expired on December 31, 2009. He is designated OIC-President until a new president is appointed and has assumed the presidency.

The selection of a new president must follow a process according to law.

First, a search committee must be formed by the Board of Regents – ASU which will receive applicants and determine if they possess all the desired qualification.

Even if the ASU president position became vacant on December 31, 2009, the Search Committee was only formed on December 17 chaired by Atty. Julito D. Vetriolo of the Commission of Higher Education. The search for ASU president was further delayed by the national election held on May 10.

Due to the election ban on appointment, the announcement of the vacant position was done on July 16, 2010 after the qualification standard was approved by the Board of Regents.

There was six (6) applicants who filed their application papers. After the review of the Search Committee, two were disqualified. The remaining four (4) applicants presented each their vision and mission of ASU and how they will achieve it during a public presentation held in ASU Amphitheatre, Banga on Nov. 15. A panel interview with the Search Committee followed on Nov. 16. The Search Committee will meet again on Nov. 28 to finalize the short list of qualified applicants where the Board of Regents will select one for appointment President of ASU. /MP

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