Sunday, November 14, 2010

Public Presentation of ASU President Applicants

Applicants for president of Aklan State University (ASU) will be held during a "Public Presentation" on Monday at 1:30 o’clock in the afternoon, November 15. The venue is at ASU Amphi Theater, Banga, Aklan. The public presentation over, the applicants will be subjected to a Panel Interview on Tuesday morning, November 16. The panel interviewers are composed of the Search Committee chairman and members for the Presidency of ASU.

According to Atty. Julito D. Vetriolo, executive director of the Commission for Higher Education (CHED) and chair of the Search Committee which is formed under Resolution No. 36-10, Series of 2009 by the ASU Board of Regents (BOR). It was approved on December 17, 2009. The Search Committee is tasked to recruit and screen applicants qualified for ASU presidency.

After the public presentation and panel interview, the Search Committee will prepare a short list of qualified applicants from where the BOR will select one for appointment to the position of ASU President whose tenure of office is five (5) years.

The position of ASU president has been vacant since January 1, 2010. Dr. Benny Palma is a holdover OIC President. His term as ASU president expired on December 31, 2009. He is disqualified however for reappointment having served ASU as president for two consecutive terms.

The Search Com-mittee should have been organized six (6) months before the term of the incumbent president expires but it was delayed until December 17, 2009. Hence, Dr. Palma is designated OIC president pending the Search for and appointment of a new president. /MP

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