Thursday, November 04, 2010

When You Believe


Prinz Charlz is a 5 year old, the 4th beneficiary of Project Wishes of Aid and Limbs for Kids (WALK) after making dreams real for him. It is due to faith of the little Prinz to his benefactors, that his wish to have new leg came true. May this will serve as an inspiration to us all that kindness abounds in each other’s heart and when we do believe, we can all together make things possible.

Faith is being sure we will get what we hope for. Things happen because we believed we can.

Have you once in your life doubted your faith? Of course, you are human and is bound to make mistakes and put doubts in your own capability. However, once you believed, have faith, it really will make a difference in your life, and in the life of others.

People come to you for help. At times, you feel bad, when you can’t help in a manner they wish to be helped. But you can help in a small way. Remember, there is no poor person who can’t assist, no poor person who has no skills and talent to help others.

Helping and facilitating things can be exhausting, especially when the people you are helping is even more demanding. On the other hand, the feeling is so good after helping and facilitating things for others, and they get back to you simply to say "thank you".

Oh! How wonderful it is to feel good when you make things happen. Not because you got the talents, but you are what you feel because of another person who worked hard to make things happen for you. That is faith.

Practice your faith so that you always believe and have faith in anything you ask and do, then it will really open many doors for you. It is in believing that we make things happen. So, remember to have faith in yourself with the people around you and, to God who above all can make things happen./MP

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