Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Check Meat Quality Before Buying

The Department of Agriculture (DA), Iloilo City is reminding the public to check the quality of meat before buying for the holidays.

DA said that "double-dead" meat could abound in public meat markets if left unchecked, especially when consumers are in a hurry to buy for the holiday celebrations. Chicken and pork products could be mixed with old supplies, the DA warned

The DA also noted the increasing importation of meat by local vendors. The buyers are reminded to be wary of local meat mixed with imported meat, so as to manipulate the prices.

Earlier, DA issued a set of guidelines for meat sellers and suppliers on how to handle chilled and frozen meat. The guideline was enforced since December 15, 2010.
Likewise, DA through the National Meat Inspection Service (NMIS) requires that importers of meat be fully accredited, as well as licensed by the local government units (LGUs). DA regional director Larry Nacionales also reminds LGUs to step up policies and regulate the entry of mishandled meat in their own level. He added, the guideline is only set by the DA, but it’s the LGUs’ full responsibility to protect consumers by enforcing the law.

According to Nacionales, LGUs should help through their respective veterinary offices to round up their wet markets and make sure only good meat will be sold. Nacionales has noted the increasing rate of meat buying in the region every December.

The DA maintains that there is enough meat for the holiday season. (PNA) /MP

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