Thursday, December 16, 2010

Entrepreneurial Farmer

Ambrosio R. Villorente
Highlights of DOE’s Energy Consciousness
Month Celebration 2010
The Department of Energy celebrates the National Energy Consciousness Month (NECM) every December. on the theme : "Towards Energy Access for More Through Energy Efficiency and Conservation". Various activities were held nationwide like media campaign, seminars on renewable energy (RE) and energy efficiency and conservation (EE&C) for college students, seminar workshops on EE&C for commercial sector, other government agencies, LGUs and academe, and public consultations with Auto-LPG stakeholders.

Energy Efficiency and Conservation is being highlighted to intensify promotion of the key priority of the government’s energy reform agenda: "Energy Access for More".

Energy efficiency will reduce oil imports which will lower capital and operating costs of electricity and will consequently provide Filipinos with sufficient electricity at lower costs.

For companies, increased energy efficiency means more savings and higher profit which will lead to greater company stability, more jobs and competitive markets. At the household level, energy conservation eases environmental stress. Reduced power demand will mean less need for more power plants that still rely on diesel and coal.

The National Energy Efficiency and Conservation Program (NEECP) was launched in 2004 to further strengthen the implemen-tation of the energy efficiency and conservation programs in the country to make energy efficiency and conservation (EE&C) a way of life.

Specifically, it aims to: 1. cushion the impact of increases in prices of petroleum products and electricity through the implementation of energy efficiency and conservation measures; 2. promote cost avoidance/savings on fuel and electricity without sacrificing productivity; 3. and help protect the environment.

Components of the NEECP: 1. Information Education Campaign (IEC) – conduct of seminars and tri-media campaign, production of informercials, publications and collaterals; 2. Standard Labelling for Household Appliances – aims to empower the consumers in buying the best appliance with less energy cost and to eliminate less energy efficient household appliances; 3. Fuel Economy Run – aims to establish fuel mileage rating, eventually label all brand new models of passenger car and light duty vehicle, and empower the consumer in choosing the most fuel efficient vehicles sold in the market; 4. Government Energy Management Program – aims to save at least ten percent in the consumption of fuel, water, office supplies, electricity and other utilities in all government offices. Agencies are hereby authorized to install and use energy efficient lights and fixtures, and optimize the utilization of internet facilities especially for long-distance communications; 5. Energy Management Services/Energy Audit – conduct energy audit for manufacturing, commercials, government buildings, power dis-tribution, and other major business sectors. Energy audit is a critical examination of an energy-consuming equipment facility; 6. Recognition Award – annual conduct of Don Emilio Abello Energy Efficiency Award for commercial and business establishments; and 7. Voluntary Program – involves vehicle reduction program that encourages vehicles owners to use public transport; and encourage leading food chain to use placemats with energy efficiency and conservation.

Filipino come on time is recommended to avoid energy waste in waiting. /MP

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