Thursday, December 02, 2010

PNoy Hails PAPI’s 15th National Press Congress

President Benigno S. Aquino III has hailed the 15th National Press Congress of the Publishers Association of the Philippines Inc. (PAPI) "as part of the Month of the Community Press in the Service of the Nation and the National Press Congress Month," an observance mandated by Presidential Proclamation No. 1187.

"As you dedicated this year’s congress to the two sectors among our country’s growth areas—tourism and environmental management—you uphold our administration’s thrust to establish long-term prosperity for our citizenry," the President said in his message for the media event.

"With your help, the Filipino people can realize their dreams even as they themselves take part in nation-building," he added.

Adverting to his administration’s reform commitment, President Aquino stressed: "We are called to tread the straight and righteous path toward change. This is time of transformation, of hope and especially of participation. I am confident that in the congress, our media, particularly the community press, shall be further involved in raising the level of public discourse as regards critical national social, political, and economic issues."

The Chief Executive also expressed his earnest wish and hope that all sectors will strive to contribute their share in the national efforts towards meaningful reforms.
"Nawa’y pagsikapan natin maging gabay ng ating mga mamamayan tungo sa tuwid na landas ng pagbabago," he said.

The 3-day press congress is scheduled on December 5-7, 2010 at Dakak Park and Beach Resort in Dapitan City. Some 250 publishers, editors, broadcasters, reporters and other media practitioners, including Filipino journalists working abroad, are expected to attend the event.

Zamboanga del Norte Gov. Rolando Yebes, Dapitan City Mayor Junjun Jalosjos, Dapitan Vice Mayor Patri Bajamundi-Chan, and City Councilor Anna Marie "Apple" Agolong, City council tourism committee chair, lead the region in welcoming the event.

Dapitan was where the Spanish colonial authorities exiled Philippine national hero Jose Rizal in the 1890’s for his advocacy of Filipino’s equity rights and civil treatment by their colonial masters.

According to Juan P. Dayang, PAPI president, the 15th National Press Congress will underscore the strategic role media play in climate change adaptation, disaster risk reduction, and tourism promotion and development.

Those who will attend the press congress will have the chance to visit and see Rizal shrine where he was exiled. They will see some of Rizal’s projects on ecology, agriculture, health, education and the arts. /MP

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