Thursday, January 20, 2011

20 Year Imprisonment For Erring Public Transport Drivers

Senator Chiz Escudero is seeking to increase the criminal liability of negligent drivers of public trans-portation under the Revised Penal Code in light of a string of road tragedies around the country.

In Senate Bill No. 365 Escudero filed in the Senate, the legislator wanted Article 365 of the penal code amended to bring to 20 years the maximum jail term of erring public transport drivers.

Escudero said the penalties provided under Article 365 may no longer work with the way public transports, especially buses, have lightly treated their obligation under existing laws.

From the existing penalty of arrest mayor to prision correcional in its medium period, or from one month to four years and two months, Escudero is pushing for tighter penalties against offenders.

SBN 2095 proposes to penalize criminal negligence by common carriers with imprisonment ranging from four months and one day to six months to 12 years in case of injury and depending on the extent.

In case of death, Escudero said penalty should range from 12 years to 20 years jail term.

"Recent road tragedies show how drivers have become reckless and irresponsible in the conduct of their duties. They seem to disregard the statutory policy to bring their passengers safely as far as human care and foresight can provide, using utmost diligence and caution," Escudero said.

According to Escudero, the bill seeks to provide a preventive policy to address recklessness of drivers, which has been one of the leading causes of deaths among Filipinos. /MP

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