Thursday, January 06, 2011

Aklan Remains Peaceful In Holiday Season

Aklan police provincial director Senior Supt. Epifanio Bragais, Jr. said the New Year and Christmas celebration all over Aklan province was generally peaceful. Only three related firecracker incidents with minor injuries happened compared to 13 recorded firecracker incidents and one incident for stray bullet in Brgy Manhanip, Malinao, Aklan.

"I ordered my local police to strictly monitor and regulate the use of firecrackers, to confiscate those prohibited items such as piccolo, pla-pla and unlabeled or illegal firecrackers during Christmas and New Year celebration," Bragais added.

Among the illegal firecrackers seized by APPO in 13 municipalities are whistle bomb, pla-pla and piccolo, which victimized children below 13 years old which is in violation of Republic Act No. 7183, "Regulating the Sale, Manufacture and Distribution and Use of Firecrackers and other Pyrotechnic Devices".

Apart from the enormous campaign by Aklan Police Provincial Office (APPO) through strict implementation of Republic Act 7183, the Provincial Health Office (PHO) was 100 percent ready to assist any firecracker related injuries referred to the hospital for immediate treatment.

Dr. Emma Cortes, Provincial Health Officer II, said the incidents marks 72 percent decrease compared to last year’s figure of 13 incidents caused by firecrackers and at least three people were admitted in the provincial hospital due to stabbing.

Cortes attributed the decrease in the number of injuries to the efforts and intensified campaign of the law enforcement officers, media, local government and health officials against illegal pyrotechnics and firecrackers in welcoming the New Year.
To prevent indiscriminate firing, the local police sealed their service firearms in compliance with the directive of Philippine National Police (PNP).

"The taping of the muzzle is done to make sure their government-issued firearms were not used indiscriminately for the New Year celebration. This is also to remind our personnel of the consequences if they engaged in indiscriminate firing," PSupt Bragais said during the Traditional Monday Flag Raising Ceremony. (by PO2 Nida L. Gregas) /MP

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