Thursday, January 06, 2011

Aklan Shifts Gear To Ati-atihan Preparations

After the successful Yuletide celebration, Aklan residents are now busy preparing for the Ati-atihan revelry this January.

Major event for the Ati-atihan is the Kalibo Sto. Nino Ati-Atihan Festival considered the Mother of Philippine Festivals.

Another festivity is in Ibajay slated on the last week of January, considered as the original version of the Ati-atihan, even older than that of Kalibo.

Aside from these, Altavas, Makato, New Washington, Malinao and even Boracay Island are also celebrating their own version of the Ati-atihan festival.
"Right now, we are 80

percent more ready for the Kalibo Sto. Ati-atihan. We have already started decorating Kalibo with Ati-atihan signages and other decorations," said Albert Meñez, chairman of the Kalibo Sto. Nino Ati-atihan Foundation Incorporated (KASAFI).

On January 5, the KASAFI spearheaded the pageant and coronation night of the Mutya it Kalibo Ati-atihan held at the ABL Sports Complex, Estancia, Kalibo. There were 12 finalists who competed in the said event.

Finalist Caren Braun is one of the most favorite finalists in the search, her being the sister of former national Miss Earth runner up Michelle Martha Braun.

"We promised spectators and revelers that this year’s Ati-atihan is a unique experience for everyone joining the festivity," Meñez said proudly. (PNA)

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