Thursday, January 06, 2011

Boracay Needs More Food And Agriculture Products

Boracay Island resort needs more agriculture products to complement the needed consumption of tourists this year, 2011.

Engr. Roger Esto, Aklan provincial planning officer said, "the province’s available agricultural products are not enough for the needed demand for food and other agricultural products such as fruits and vegetables including aqua products.

Boracay will continue to import food from nearby provinces such as Romblon, Iloilo, Antique, Capiz and even from Davao and Baguio City."

"For the past years, our local government has tried to boost agricultural production by encouraging farmers to plant high-grade vegetables and fruits. Even these endeavors could not augment the needed consumptions of tourists for food and agriculture products," Esto stressed.

The Aklan State University (ASU) which is considered the center for excellence of agriculture in Western Visayas could not also augment the agriculture demand here. (ASU has not develop graduates capable to produce enough commercial food for the people and visitors.)

The Department of Tourism projected some 800,000 tourist arrivals in Boracay last year and an increase up to one million by 2012.

"We continue to encourage residents to produce more food to help fill in the agriculture supply for Boracay as their added family income through backyard gardening, fruits and livestock production and even in ornamental production", reported Esto. (PNA)

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