Thursday, January 27, 2011

Fond Memories

Living On The Front Line
As a free lance journalist I am neither constrained by nor am I answerable to any employer. Likewise I am not inhibited by the need to earn money to provide for my own support. It being my own choice to work without pay.

The motivation for my work as a free lance journalist stems primarily from my desire to serve my country together with the people of Aklan. Towards this end. I am committed to promote social justice, to expose corruption and corrupt practice in all forms, and to assist in bringing about the social changes which are now so long overdue.

The only position I can claim to occupy is a moral position, and my guide is my conscience and also my heart. Like a moth to a flame I am compelled to remain true to this cause. This much I owe to myself and to the people that I endeavour to serve.

There are several other journalists who are similarly motivated by such a passion, others in whom an inner fire burns too. As journalists, we are a rare breed, and there are times when we must endure intimidation, or even put ourselves in harms way in order to uncover the truth.

For too long now, the soil of our beloved country has been stained by the blood of the innocent. For too long now our progress as a nation has been impeded by those who seek only to pursue their own vested interest, at any cost, and by any means.

It is men such as these who have caused our country to be branded the most corrupt country in South East Asia. It is men such as these who have brought shame upon us as a nation, a shame which the good and the righteous amongst us have until now had little option other than to endure.

It is we, as journalists, who have both the ability and the courage to speak out in order to address our people’s concerns; who serve as the conscience of our society, and as such we have a valuable role to play.

The wind of change is blowing across our land, and the days are numbered for all those who seek to profit at the expense of others, and for those who seek to divert public funds in order to satisfy their own insatiable greed, and for all those who endeavour to maintain their positions through bribery, intimidation and threats.

I am not alone in expressing these senti-ments. The numerous text messages I have received in response to my recent articles are testimonies that many of our people feel the same way and that changes to our social structure are long overdue. I am reassured that there are many in our midst who not only have good hearts, but who also thirst for a fairer and more just society.

To all who feels this way, I will say this: "the destiny of our country is in your hands. I know that the night has been long, but the darkness of night cannot and will not endure forever. Evil may possess a power of its own, but it is no match for the power of good.

There was a time when light and darkness met. Darkness mocked the light claiming to be more powerful by far. Darkness then challenged light to a duel in order to prove who is the most powerful .A time was duly arranged for them to meet, but when the appointed time arrived, light showed up whilst darkness was nowhere to be found.

What is darkness but the absence of light? What is evil other than ignorance and the absence of those values that so many of us hold so dear? What is weakness other than the absence of strength? And what is fear other than a lack of courage?

It will take courage to change our society, and it will require from us a sincere desire to embrace such a change. No political system or change of government can bring about such radical change, because for change to be real it must come from within the society itself. As such this change begins with you and me.

It is our own perception and attitude which must herald in this change. Our hearts must be our reference and truth our banner. The courage needed to bring about such change resides within us all, but we need to dig deep to discover it.

I believe in the power of good. I believe too that there are many Filipinos of high moral value in our midst, many of whom I have had the good fortune to meet and now count as personal friends.

As individuals we may at times feel helpless and that our efforts are ineffective, but although the problems that confront us may at times seem insurmountable, together, and through our coordinated action, there is big that we can achieve.

The time has come for us to act. The time has come to shrug off our lethargy to stand up and be awaken from our sleep. The time has come for us to stand up and be counted. The time has come for our voices to be heard.

Together we can shape the future. Together we can create a fairer and more just society to live in. Together, we can bring about the much needed change that our society craves.

As a free lance journalist I will do all that I can to herald in this change. I will continue to stand in the face of adversity. I will always remain committed to living on the front line. /MP

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