Thursday, January 20, 2011

To Establish Care Center At DRSTMH

A Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) was signed today, Tuesday, January 18 that permits the establishment of West Visayas Medical Center (WVMC) Satellite Treatment Hub at the Dr. Rafael S. Tumbokon Memorial Hospital, Kalibo.

Gov. Carlito S. Marquez in behalf of Aklan Province signed the MOA while Dr. Ariel Valencia Director of DOH, Region VI signed in behalf of the Department of Health (DOH). The MOA signing took place at the Roberto Q. Garcia Memorial Bldg., Provincial Capitol, Kalibo in the presence of Medical officials of DOH and the DRSTMH.

The WVMC Satellite Treatment Hub, Marquez pointed out, "is established to make treatment, care, and support accessible to People Living With HIV and AIDS (PLHIV) in Aklan".

"The PLHIV is established in Kalibo not to condemn but to provide refuge to the people infected with HIV/AIDS", pointed out Dir. Valencia of DOH.

The DOH also donated eight (8) sets of microscope valued about P1 million for the early detection of HIV/AIDS.

The microscopes are distributed one each for the Rural Health Units in Lezo, Ibajay, Batan, New Washington, Makato, Madalag, Altavas, and Libacao. /MP

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