Thursday, March 24, 2011

Aklan Remembers The Heroism of the XIX Martyrs

Upper photo shows Gov. Carlito S. Marquez extolling the heroic deeds of the XIX Martyrs of Aklan during the 114th death anniversary. Others in the picture (l to r) are Kalibo Mayor William S. Lachica, Mr. Jose Ciceron Lorenzo Haresco, Vice Mayor Madeline A. Regalado, and Hon. Nilda B. Tambong. Lower photo shows the LGU Kalibo Municipal Employees Chorale singing the Philippine National Anthem and Aklan Hymn.

The LGU Kalibo and the Provincial government of Aklan jointly comme-morated the heroism of the 19 Aklanon Martyrs who died to recover freedom from the hands of the Spanish colonialists. It was the 114th death anniversary.

The month of March of every year is declared month of noble heroes. The celebration started with the flying of the Philippine flag in every home and office in Kalibo with the commemorative program held on March 23.

This year, however, a program was held in Brgy. Nalook on March 22 in honor of the four Martyrs from Nalook, Kalibo. There was also a commemorative program in Mabilo, Kalibo on Wednesday afternoon, March 23. In the morning, there was tolling of church bells in Aklan. A civic military parade around Poblacion, Kalibo, floral offerings to the heroes, and commemorative program in the Akln Freedom Shrine were held.

Kalibo Mayor William Lachica welcomed the thousands who participated in the parade and program. Vice Mayor Madeline A. Regalado gave the acknowledgement and thanks to those who helped made the program successful.

In his message, Aklan, Gov. Carlito S. Marquez extolled the heroism of the 19 Martyrs for us to remember and emulate. In fluent Pilipino, he pointed to the ills today, among which is poverty. Marquez invited all the leaders to sincerely cooperate with him in his poverty alleviation program designed to conquer poverty. Marquez cited the Aklan LGU programs in agriculture and tourism.

Cong. Joeben T. Miraflores was represented by his son, Hon. Jo’en Miraflores and Cong. Teodorico T. Haresco by his son, Mr. Jose Ciceron Lorenzo Haresco.

To recall what happened in Aklan in 1897, the Martyrdom of Gen. Francisco del Castillo and the 19 Martyrs of Aklan, El Levantamiento de los otsenta y dos de Lilo-an was re-enacted. /MP

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