Thursday, March 10, 2011

Are They Responsible?


Akelco linemen on top of the post doing their job in Boracay Island.

Do you remember the story of a young lass who wrote about THE RIVER AND JUSTIN? The person in the story loves the river at the back of their house. He appreciates every beauty that nature gives, no matter how simple it may be. He was an artist and liked painting the river.

When I looked at the pictures I took in my recent visit to the island of Boracay, I can’t help but sigh. I got disappointed of what I saw in what they call the Jewel of Aklan. Indeed, as one of my friends said, "Reality bites."

My recent visit to Boracay for the first two days was an amazing experience. I was invited to speak before the HRM students of Lourdes College, Caloocan City about tourism development, and some issues in Boracay on the 1st day. I spoke about Kool Earth and other environmental issues before the smart kids of Boracay European International School on the 2nd day. On my 3rd day, the reality of being in the island woke me up at 4 o’clock in the morning.

One Akelco post BLASTED with a big bang. There was one cross arm that have already blasted earlier that caused brownout at 3 o’clock in the morning. Another blast occurred. This time, I witnessed it. It was a human intervention. A lineman was putting the line right. By the time his long stretch plastic pipe reached the wrong line, it resulted to another big and loud blast.

Surprisingly, as I looked around, I was alone who was panicking and in paranoia. My European friends told me laughing "this is a normal situation" for them. "It feels like new year everyday", he said. I was really surprised. Then I realized, I am a tourist in my own town. I told them I can’t put up with this. Knowing that the post and the blast are just beside our hotel room. Something must be done. For everyone has social responsibility: to themselves, to their families, to the communities, to other taxpayers, to society.

On the other hand, talking to a lineman while watching one on top of the post swinging smoothly as if he was not aware how dangerous his job is, gave me an understanding how carefree and complacent Akelco management can be.
Then here comes another reality. At the back beach where Romanians love to kite board, it was an eyesore sight highly visible. The long stretch of beach line is filled with dirty leaves, dried coconut husk, and other debris. What a wonderful sight to behold when I saw father and son naively walking and barefooted on the seashore not minding the danger that the garbage will cause them! How irresponsible the LGU, residents and businessmen can be? How greedy of money but socially irresponsible to give back to Mother Earth!

Can we encourage individuals and corporate people in Boracay to be socially responsible and do their share to care the island jewel–Boracay? /MP

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