Thursday, March 10, 2011


by Richie D. Oloroso
LVGP Boracay Confab Successful
The League of Vice Governors of the Philippines 46th National assembly at the Boracay Regency, Boracay, Malay, Aklan is rated "fairly successful".

The assembly gathered the majority of the vice governors of the 79 provinces, many of whom had also caused the participation of their staff in their respective secretariat.
SP members Hon. Edina T. Gelito, Hon. Bob Augusto Legaspi, Hon. Jose Enrique M. Miraflores, and Hon. Nemesio P. Neron together with Vice Governor Gabrielle V. Calizo-Quimpo honored the delegates with a welcome dinner at the Regency Hotel Beachfront.

The national assembly also featured the continuation of the 3rd module of a Diploma Course in Development Legislation and Governance packaged by the Development Academy of the Philippines for the League members and officers.

The National Executive Vice President of the League of the Vice Governors of the Philippines, Vice Gov. Victorio R. Suaybaguio, Jr., Vice Gov. of Davao Del Norte, extended his heart warming congratulation to Vice Gov. Quimpo for a job-well-done as a host province of the said assembly.

"Vice Governor Quimpo did enormous work as League treasurer in supervising the financial resources of the LVGP that eventually made this event a profitable and rewarding", Suaybaguio stressed. "The warm welcome of Quimpo’s constituents and a systematized program-activities organized are something worthy to treasure throughout the years", he added. /MP

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