Thursday, March 17, 2011


Women Entrepreneurs
Shape Business and Industry
March is International Women’s Month. Thus, another organization called WomEn–Aklan is guest of the weekly Kapihan on March 12, 2011. Lady entrepreneurs were Ms. Rose F. Nepomuceno, Pres. WomEn–Aklan, owner of Lucky Photo Digital Center & Silver Handicrafts; Dr. Marinelia A. Torrea – owner/consultant – Skill Share Plus Consultancy; Ms. Arbel P Roto – owner/manager, Aero Products and Aeros Motorparts; Ms. Lilian A. Cariscal – owner/manager of Center Parkway Pension House; Ms. Rose A. Sauza – owner Rosa Food Products; Ms. Mel Sayon – Career Agent, Sunlife of Canada; and Dr. Evelyn P. Ninonuevo–Cat’s Eye Computers. Coordinators are Ms. Vivian R. Solano – PESO, and Ms. Marites Apolonio – office of Vice Gov. Gabrielle V. Calizo-Quimpo.

Ms. Nepomuceno said that WomEn-Aklan is affiliate of Gender Advocacy for Development Com-mission (GADC). It had a vision of empowering women in business and uplifting economic well being in society. The mission is to pursue advocacies on: a) entrepreneurship, b) health, wellness and family, d) good governance, e) women empowerment, attitudes and skills development, and e) environment.

"WomEn–Aklan is the result of my participation in an International Visitation program sponsored by the US Embassy in Manila two years ago. We were five women in the cultural tour of six cities showcasing successful women in the top echelon of private enterprises. I was impressed of the impact of women on industry, excellent, inter-personal relationship and amazing array of quality products and services. It dawned on me the idea to organize a small group of committed business women could be a good start", confided the founding President.

Dr. Ambrosio R. Villorente noted the rapid advancement of women in all walks of life whether social, political, economics, and educational fields of endeavour. Equal treatment of women in society is all – important and consuming passion. RA 9262 or Magna Carta for Woman prohibits inflicting physical and emotional violence against women. VAW desks will soon be permanent fixture in all PNP stations.

Ms. Sayon cited gains of the organization among which are: medical missions in Albasan, Numancia and Madalag. Samut-saring program in New Washington and Bulabog, Malay. Trainer’s training for strategic planning. Whistleblower support to Jun Lozada (Good Gover-nance) and Total womanhood training. Accounting seminar for non-accountants on March 29, 2011 at Daeangpan it mga Kababaen-an will however require P500 registration fee for each participant.

The World Health Organization defines health as a state of complete physical, mental, and social well being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Wellness is overall balance of physical, social, spiritual, emotional, intellectual, environmental, and occupational well being. In other words, health is a goal to achieve while wellness is a multi-dimensional lifestyle to maintain.

The Reproductive Health Bill (RH) contains 10 components designed to insure women’s health, wellness and survival. DOH data show that all maternal deaths occur daily throughout the country while poverty and malnutrition take a heavy toll on children, pregnant and lactating mothers.

According to Popcom Executive Director Tomas Osias, current population growth is 2.04 percent, the population of 94 million in 2010 will rise to 97 million in 2011. There will be 184 million Pinoys in 2040. This will qualify the Philippines to hold the title of 10th most populous nation in the world. The big drawback however is that our current Goss Domestic Product average of 4.4 percent could sustain only a growth rate of 1.04 percent.

Based on Competitiveness Human Security and Environmental Sustainability of the UN, the Philippines’ Human Development Index position is at No. 105 out of 185 nations. In 1997 the Philippines was ranked No. 77 out of 146 countries.

Due to the above considerations, should the women organization make a bold stand on RH bill now pending in the House of Representatives? It appears women in general do not know the rationale and salient features of this vital legislation authored by Congressman Edcel C. Lagman of Albay.

In the US, 80 percent of the economy is dominated by small business. However, majority is held by men mostly engaged in manufacturing. Production output is technology driven, market oriented, quality controlled and motivated manpower.

It would be pertinent to ask whether our local women entrepreneurs observe fair labor practices such as giving minimum wage (P250 per day), no hiring of minors, job contractualization and registering their employees with Philhealth? Do they issue official receipts to customers and employees with Philhealth? Do they issue official receipts to customers and file proper income tax returns and licenses? If they do, they could be role models in this highly competitive business world.

The supremacy of female over males in Aklan is based on NSO 2010 population data. Functional literacy of male is 79.81 percent while female is 86.59 percent. The average life expectancy of male is 68 years. Nevertheless, the Filipino family is patriarchal despite his obvious inferiority in education and relative shortness of life.

Women empowerment through the pursuit of good business ethics can pave the way to success and personal fulfilment. In our modern society, they are pioneers who are shaping society and destiny. We sincerely wish them success in their cherished vision and mission. /MP

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