Thursday, March 10, 2011

Poor Implementation of Laws Besets Women Empowerment

The Weekly Kapihan on March 5 is presscon of women organizations advocating for full implementation of Gender Development Code of Aklan and other pertinent laws benefiting women in society. Guests at Smokehauz Resto & Bar are focal persons namely: Ms. Grace Quinon – DAR, Ms. Othelia B. Igcasenza – DENR, Ms. Vivian R. Solano – PESO, Ms. Manoleta Q. Acevedo – Soroptimist, Ms. Dianne Aquitanea – PNP, Ms. Leonisa L. Solidum – Empowered Women Assn. of Aklan, Engr. Roger Esto – PPDO, and Mr. Franklin Quimpo – Pres., MOVE Aklan.

Atty. Ronquillo C. Tolentino, former Chair of Women & Family Relations at SP said that Aklan has the first Gender and Development Code in the country, the statute approved in 2003. Its fundamental principle is based on recognition of the role of women in nation building and promotes equal status by elimination of all forms of discrimination and violence. Moreover, it regulates commercialization of women in skimpy outfits and imposes ban on indecent shows and radio – TV programs degrading women.

Complementary legislation uplifting women’s rights akin to granting Women’s Suffrage in 1921 are Solo Parenting Act, Maternity Leave (RA 693) and Magna Carta for Women (RA 9710), added the veteran journalist, Tolentino.

Ms. Quinon said that the theme of 2011 Women’s month is based on UN Millennium Development Goals titled: "Magna Carta of Women, the Philippine CEDAN". The celebration is covered by E.O No. 9710 of Gov. Carlito S. Marquez and implemented by Gender Advocacy for Development Commission (GADC).

The Convention for the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women targets 2015 as the year when 50 percent reduction of the following goals are achieved namely: a) eradicate extreme poverty and hunger, b) attain progressive education, c) promote equality and empower women, d) reduce child mortality, e) maintain healthy environment, and f) combat malarial diseases and other human ailments.

Ms. Igcasenza disclosed several activities lined up for the month long celebration such as launching of Violence Against Women (VAW) Desk at Malinao Municipal Hall, Basic GAD Training in Tagas and Poblacion, Tangalan, Responsible Parenting, Magna Carta for Women, Alternative Livelihood Training, and Tree Planting.

The Provincial Employment Service Office (PESO) headed by Ms. Vivian Ruiz Solano will hold a Job’s Fair on March 31, 2011 at the Provincial Capitol. Welcome news is that there is job opening for direct hiring of medical personnel for Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Nevertheless, there is present threat of escalating violence in other Arab states like Libya, Bahrain, Oman, Yemen, Jordan, Iran, and Lebanon which makes it highly improbable for placement of OFW’s.

Soroptimist Baby Acevedo noted the gains in women advocacy and solidarity of women organizations over the years. How powerful are women? She asked. Well, she pointed out to incontrovertible truth. Women can actually make or unmake a man. The hand that rocks the cradle rocks the world.

Ms. Solidum revealed that through GAD, their organization received financial aid from Gov. Carlito S. Marquez and technical assistance from TESDA. This enabled members to augment their family income and opened new business opportunities.

Engr. Esto announced that printed copies of GAD handbook is now available at PPDO. Significant development on elevating status of women are opening of PNP Women’s Desk in Caticlan in 2010 and establishment of "Daeangpan" it mga Kababayen-an sa Akean" in 2001.

According to PNSP Aquitanea, PNP collaborative effort is concentrated on crime prevention such as domestic violence against women and women/children trafficking. These include rape, wife battering, sexual molestation, and prostitution. So far, high cases occur in Boracay and Malay considering the high influx of tourists followed by Kalibo.

Men Oppose to Violence (against women and children) Everywhere is vital support organization of GAD. Mr. Quimpo, one time SP member is actively coordinating with Municipal Mayors for the institutionalization of VAW Desks in all 327 barangays of Aklan. Malinao is a pilot municipality with the cooperation of Mayor Ariel Igoy. It was launched on March 7.

"According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, women comprise only 13.5 percent of work force in architecture. Gender differences are greater in Math that depends most on spatial reasoning such as geometry measurement and calculus according to Ms. Ruth Corez, Professor of Applied Development and Educational Psychology at Boston College.

Many women do not reach their full potential in Math and that can hold them back in the job market said Ms. Allanah Thomas, Executive Officer of Helicon in New York. (Manila Bulletin, August 2, 2009)

Another excerpt of Time Magazine, February 14, 2011 reads: "Leading cause of death for girls 15-19 worldwide is not accident or violence or disease but complication from pregnancy. An extra year of primary school boosts girls’ annual wages by 10–20 percent. An extra year at secondary school adds 15–25 percent. Girls who stay in school for 7 or more years typically marry 4 years later and have two fewer children than girls who drop out. World Food Programme found that when girls and women earn income they reinvest 90 percent of it to their families (books, medicine, bedsheets). For men it is only 20–40 percent.

Investment in girls’ education may well be the highest return investment available in the developing world according to Larry Summer, Chief Eco-nomist at World Bank. Today less than 2 cents of every development dollar goes to girls’ education. This is a victory compared to what was just a half cent."

Women equality and empowerment has a long way to go in as far as data and info is concerned. In addition, generally women get an average of 75 percent income compared to their male counterpart although of the same education and experience in the job.

Developing countries like the Philippines constantly strive for reaching the goal but are weighed down by poor implementation of laws by responsible agencies.

Example is job contractual where workers are hired for short periods say 4-6 months while the employer fails to deliver full employment benefits. This is widespread in commercial business establishments and LGU’s on their environmental sanitation services. Majority of contractual are women who choose to remain silent than lose their jobs.

By all means, let there be laws that are implementable, let there be no law that is just stored in the dust. We have the best environmental, forestry, labor and women’s codes in Asia that remain only on paper.

Malaysia and Singapore have fewer laws, yet they belong to the upper bracket of most trusted and influential nations in this part of the world. /MP

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