Sunday, April 03, 2011

Celebrate Kapihan 3rd Anniversary, Goes Stronger

by Richie D. Oloroso

The "Kapihan Sa Aklan", a weekly public affairs program run by the Aklan Press Club, Inc., Media Forum, and the Publishers Association of the Philippines, will celebrate its 3rd year anniversary on Saturday evening, April 2 at the Hernani’s Mix n’ Match Restaurant, Kalibo from 6 o’clock to 11 o’clock in the evening.

Mr. Odon S. Bandiola, chairman of the board of the Aklan Press Club, Inc., said Mr. Rommel Ynion, the incumbent president of the Iloilo Press Club, together with Mr. Danny Fajardo, publisher of Panay News, are invited as guests of honor and speakers during the anniversary celebration.

Bandiola likewise said, to be featured in the anniversary celebration is a dinner- tribute in honor of Dr. Ambrosio R. Villorente, immediate past president of the Aklan Press Club, Inc., a news paper publisher, veteran journalist, Rotarian and socio-civic leader, former government official, an entrepreneur farmer and an academician.

Villorente is considered as one of the pillars of community journalism in the province of Aklan. He was awarded the Most Outstanding Aklanon Award in community journalism by the provincial government during its Golden Anniversary Celebration in 2006.

Bandiola said, to pay tribute to Dr. Villorente are Atty. Allen S. Quimpo on Dr. Villorente’s being an academician; Atty. Ronquillo C. Tolentino on Dr. Villorente as a journalist; Mr. Juan P. Dayang on Dr. Villorente as a newspaper publisher; Dr. Remelyn Recoter on Dr. Villorente as an entrepreneurial farmer; Mr. Delano Tefora on Dr. Villorente as an agriculturist and Judge Niovady Marin on Dr. Villorente as a Rotarian and socio-civic leader.

Last year anniversary of the Kapihan sa Aklan also featured a dinner tribute to Atty. Ronquillo C. Tolentino, also one of the pillars of the community press, former vice governor of Aklan, a veteran legislator and journalist, a boy scout executive, a Red Cross advocate and Most Outstanding Aklanon in community journalism.

Also invited to grace the occasion is Congressman Florencio T. Miraflores, Governor Carlito S. Marquez, and Vice Gov. Gabrielle V. Calizo-Quimpo.

The Kapihan sa Aklan has now become an institution and is always the favorite forum of government officials, non-government organizations, socio-civic organizations and other sectors to interact with local mediamen on issues and concerns on governance, socio – political and economic matters. /MP

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