Sunday, April 17, 2011

Rotary Club of Kalibo Harvests

Picture above shows the Certificates won in Zamboanga City being shown by RC Kalibo members. They are (l to r) Rtn. Arnold Jayme, Rtn. Frank Kennedy, Rtn. Tessie Kennedy, Pres. Pete Ruiz, Rtn. Efren Abayon, and PP Raphy Tayco.

The Rotary Club of Kalibo garnered several awards for the club year 2010 - 2011. The awards were distributed during the District Convention held in Zamboanga City on April 1 - 3, 2011. The Rotary Club of Kalibo was represented by PP Raphy M. Tayco, Rtn. Efren Galvan, and and Baby Rotarian Wel Mangubat to that convention.

The awards they brought home are as follows:  Most Outstanding Club Secretary Award – PP Morris Morier, Outstanding Club in Club Administration, Best in Health and Hunger Program, Best in Literacy Program, and Best in Attendance  Congratulations RC Kalibo! /MP

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