Thursday, May 26, 2011

Akelco Installs 4 BOD Members

Akelco will hold its 28th Annual General Membership Assembly on Saturday afternoon, May 28 at Lezo, Aklan. The assembly is centered on the theme: Demanding Excellence: Akelco In A Liberalized Power Industry.

The Annual General Membership Assembly is a whole afternoon activity which will start with Part I at 12:30 to 1:30 in the afternoon with the arrival and registration of members. It will end with a raffle draw.

Part II of the program is the opening ceremony consisting of doxology, singing of the national anthem, Aklan Hymn, and EC Panunumpa, all by Akelco Choral Society.

Engr. Celso D. Tajanlangit will recognize the delegates and guests. Mr. Paterno I. Ibarreta will give the opening remarks. Hon. Teodorico T. Haresco, Jr., the guest speaker will be introduced by Atty. Ariel B. Gepty.

Ms. Gaynor A. Calizo will sing a song after the speech of Cong. Haresco. The intermission number over, Cong. Haresco will induct to office the four (4) newly elected members of the Board of Directors (BOD), Akelco. They are Norma A. Salido of Malay & Nabas, Rodrigo M. Quimpo of Numancia & Kalibo, Samuel R. Remegia, Jr. of New Washington & Batan, and Haydeen G. Bandiola of Boracay Island, Malay.
BOD president Wayne T. Malilay and general manager Chito R. Peralta will present a Plaque to the guest of honor and speaker, Hon. Teodoro T. Haresco, Jr.

The four newly installed members of the BOD will give their respective messages. Part II of the program will end with an intermission number by graduates of the Basic Lineman’s Course.

Part III is Business Meeting to be presided by BOD president Wayne T. Malilay. Matters to take up are the consideration of the minutes of the previous AGMA, BOD report by Wayne T. Malilay, General Manager’s report by Chito R. Peralta, other matters, and open forum.

Jose Francisco M. Ramos & Maria Luvigrena G. Juliano are the master and lady dean of ceremonies respectively. /MP

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