Sunday, May 01, 2011

Loving A Seaman

by James Carlo C. Bautista

Loving a sailor, a high price to pay,
Loving him truly is hard when he is away,
It’s being alone with nothing to hold,
It’s being young, but feeling so old.

Having whispered his love for you,
And whispering back that you love him too.
There comes a kiss and a promise for more,
As his ship slowly glides away from the shore.

Reluctantly, painfully letting him go,
But it hurts your feelings from wanting him so.
Watching him leaving full of tears,
Standing alone with your hopes, dreams and fears.

It’s sending a letter, with the stamp upside down,
To a far away love, to a far away town.
It’s going to church to kneel and pray,
And really meaning the things you say.

Being in love will foster your dream,
Of that far away sailor, your mind fairly beams.
Days go by, no letter for a spell,
You wait for some works to hear that he is well.

Weeks are like months, months are like years,
You’ll wait for the day when you’ll have no more tears.
Days go by slowly, how many have passed?
Then you realize, it’s here at last.

Yes, loving a sailor is bitterness and fears,
Loneliness, sadness, despondent years.
Loving a sailor isn’t much for fun,
But it/s worth the price when the battle is done.

And remember he is thinking of you everyday,
He’s sad and lonely while he is so far away.
Home is the sailor when he is in love,
In love is he when he is with his God.

So love him and miss him and hold your head high,
Be strong and have faith. Wipe those tears from your eyes,
‘Cause your man’s a seafarer like that old ancient trader,
His stake at sea is at peace with Thee.

According to Mr. Bienvenido P. Cortes, James Carlo C. Bautista, 35 is an Aklanon from Batan. While he was at sea as a seaman on a German registered container vessel  of Scanner Shipping Company, he wrote a poem which was published in The Pinoy Reporter, June 10, 2010 issue in Seattle, USA

In a birthday party in Manila recently, Cortes met Bautista who related his life at sea. Bautista completed in Roxas City his high school course sometime in 1989-1993. He pursued a nautical course at the Aklan Polytechnic Institute, Kalibo, Aklan. While on tour in the Mediterranean, he attended navigation training for six months at Limasol City, Cyprus.

While their ship was docked at Tacoma City, Washington, USA, he saw an ads for a poem writing contest. Although he never had written a poem or an article in his school organ, his writing skills was developed through constant readings while at sea. He thought of writing a poem of his life as a seaman and the loneliness and sacrifices he encountered on board the ship. Through readings, Bautista developed an urge to put them in print what he observes, thinks, and experiences while at sea.

He said he wrote two poems and submitted them to the contest organizers. Luckily, one was chosen entitled, "Loving a Seaman" which was published in The Pinoy Reporter.  

Bienvenido P. Cortes furnished a copy of the said poem, "A Filipino seaman wrote, as printed above, encouraging loved ones back in the Philippines to love those who go out to the sea in ships.

Tacoma Seafarers’ Center exists to extend that love to seafarers so far away from home." The author, James Carlo C. Bautista is Chief Mate in the Scanner Shipping Company. /MP

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