Sunday, May 01, 2011

PDEA Campaigns Vs Illegal Drugs In Boracay

The Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) continues its relentless campaign against illegal drugs in Boracay Island after receiving report on the proliferation of both illegal drug pushers and users in this resort island.

PDEA regional director Paul Ledesma revealed they continue to focus in areas usually being flocked by tourists.

For the month of April alone, at least three drug suspects were arrested by the PDEA. All of them are residents of Manila and are working as tattoo artists.

Furthermore, he has already instructed his men to verify if there is an existing drug laboratory in nearby Nabas area town.

"We assure the media that we will be transparent with our illegal drug operation in Boracay," he said.

Local Festivals Promotion Through Social Networking

A communications professor at the University of the Philippines-Visayas is urging local government units to best promote their festival through social networking, especially Facebook where they can gain massive promotions.

Professor Vicente Tan of the Division of Humanities of the College of Arts and Sciences noted that local government units are currently having difficulty promoting their product because of fund limitations.

"However, through Facebook or other internet media, the promotion of local festivals could further be boosted," said Tan who also teaches online advertising in the said university.

Tan is one of the judges of the ‘Tugbong’ festival of Pandan, Antique.

The ‘Tugbong’ is a local dialect which means people coming together. It is a way of life among the Antique residents. (PNA) /MP

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