Thursday, June 02, 2011


Aklan State University (ASU) won the "Outstanding Partner Member Agency" award of the Western Visayas Agriculture and Resources Research and Development Consortium (WESVARRDEC) during the First Regional Techno Gabay Summit and TechnoMart at the Amigo Plaza Mall, Iloilo City on May 25-26, 2011. this is the second time ASU got the award.

In the same ceremonies, Dr. Clyde G. Abayon won as Outstanding Techno Gabay Team Leader and Miss Salvacion R. Villasis as Outstanding Regional Applied Communications Representative.

They received plaques of recognition and cash prizes from RRDCC Chair Minda J. Formacion on May 26.

The award was achieved by ASU through the untiring effort of the ASU Techno Gabay Team and the FITS staff.

ASU assists FITS Centers in Altavas, Banga, Ibajay, Nabas, New Washington and Numancia in Aklan and Libertad in Antique.

The search aims to honor and recognize the contribution of the prime movers in the attainment of the Consortium’s Program.

Meanwhile, the TechnoMart served as a venue for FITS Centers and their Magsasaka Siyentista who promoted their products at the ASU booth which include bariw, ginger ale powder, puto tostado, and vermicast.

Some 16 managers and staff of FITS Centers in Aklan and Libertad, Antique attended the WESVARRDEC technology fora. (Sally R. Villasis, ASU-ECS)/MP

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