Sunday, June 26, 2011

Cook Clean and Green

Ms. Perla Manapol (center) receiving the Certificate of Appreciation from Ms. Lillian Quimpo-Tirol, Treasurer, and Ms. Erlinda F. Quimpo-Wilson, Executive Dean both of NVC.

The Northwestern Visayan Colleges (NVC), Kalibo, Aklan held its Orientation Program for the school year 2011 – 2012 on Friday, June 17 in the NVC CSQ Gymnasium.

Atty. Plaridel M. Morania, former Aklan SP member and member, NVC Board of Directors welcomed the students, faculty, and staff especially the freshmen students and new faculty members.

As the program denotes, it aimed to orient the new students of NVC of the following: 1. vision, mission, and goals; 2 course offerings; 3. school administration and department heads; 4. school fees, 5. school uniforms; 6. school facilities; and 7. student organizations among others. These were discussed by the college treasurer, Ms. Lilian Quimpo–Tirol.

In his message, Atty. Allen S. Quimpo, NVC president, welcomed both the students, faculty and administrative staff members. Quimpo eloquently explained NVC’s "continuing commitment to the culture of excellence". He urged the students to work and study hard in order to realize the mission and vision of "NVCians on the lead" in all aspects of living, to attain and maintain the culture of excellence.

"In NVC, the youth have the access to quality education where 70 percent of the students population enjoy scholarships. Scholarships from various donors are available at NVC", Quimpo stressed.

Mayon Standard Stove

In another development, NVC faculty members attended a convocation on Thursday morning, June 23 at RSQ Bldg. The convocation discussed the clean and green way of cooking with the use of farm waste like rice hull as fuel.

The topic was presented by Ms. Perla Manapol, a native of Oriental Negros but is a long resident of Colorado, USA. Ms. Manapol described the stove which is highly recommended for use in the barangay. To use the stove, it will reduce the cost of fuel, help mitigate climate change, make the surroundings clean and green and improve the food quality.

To manufacture the stove, one will only spend P800. The stove can be used for about three and one half years. /MP

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