Thursday, June 02, 2011

New Akelco BOD Members

Shown above are four new members of the Board of Directors, Aklan Electric Cooperative being inducted to office by Ang Kasangga Party List Representative Hon. Teodorico T. Haresco, Jr. They are (l to r) Rodrigo M. Quimpo - Kalibo & Numancia; Norma A. Salido - Ibajay & Nabas; Cong. Haresco; Haydeen G. Bandiola - Boracay Island, Malay; and Samuel R. Remegia, Jr. - New Washington & Batan.

Akelco does not only distribute electricity in Aklan and in Pandan, and Libertad, Antique. It also dances in the air.

Some 28 Akelco graduates in Basic Lineman’s Training Course proved they climbed electric posts with grace and joy. They demonstrated their poise in an intermission number during the 28th Annual General Assembly (AGMA) held in Lezo, Aklan on May 28.

According to the beatings and rhyme of the music being played, equipped with tools, they climbed the 14 electric posts, two per post. Upon reaching the top, they swayed, shook, bended, twisted, and turned around to the delight of the audience, some 15 meters below more or less on the ground.

Moreover, the Akelco Chorale Society amazed the participants to the annual assembly when they sang the Doxology, Philippine National Anthem, Aklan Hymn, and EC Panunumpa.

The four voices were well blended in proper timing and beating. Indeed, the performance was outstanding.

Atty. Ariel Gepty who introduced the guest speaker and inducting officer, party list Cong. Teodorico T. Haresco, Jr. reviewed to the participants the life of Cong. Haresco which touched on his life, education, business, and family.

As normally done, Haresco praised the Akelco Management of their accomplishment and the consumer members for their quest to get light.

GM Chito Peralta’s report deals how officers and personnel work in Akelco that resulted to P35.7 million surplus over operational expenses in 2010 and got three awards which are Single Digit Systems Loss, Best in Collection Performance, and Prompt Payment.

As president of Akelco BOD, Mr. Wayne T. Malilay reported the BOD accomplishments which are policy decisions made, resolutions formulated and approved, and the holding of district elections among others.

There were several concerns to be raised during the open forum, but due to lack of time, only four were answered. The AGMA started one hour late because the guest speaker came late.

The AGMA ended with a raffle draw the prize of which were one refrigerator, one washing machine, one TV set, and 12 pieces cellphones. /MP

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