Thursday, July 28, 2011

Bible vs Black Propagandist

by ALEX P. Vidal

By the time this article comes out, the next Ombudsman may have been named by President P-Noy. Will it be PCGG Commissioner Gerard Mosquera or retired Supreme Court Associate Justice Conchita Carpio-Morales? Who will the fountain bless? Youth or experience? (Conchita Carpio-Morales is the new Ombudsman. Her appointment was announced by P-Noy in his State of the Nation Address on Monday afternoon, July 25.)

The next Ombudsman should be like Caesar’s wife — above suspicion. He or she should not tangle in mudslinging with any politician or journalist especially on issues that concern public interest. 

Take the case of former Ombudsman Aniano Desierto, the most controversial character to ever occupy that hot seat. A week after Paranaque Rep. Roilo Golez sent me a personal letter on July 24, 1996 to disclose that he filed impeachment complaint against Desierto, Golez made a follow up letter to "appeal for your assistance" in dealing with black propaganda artists reportedly marshaled by his detractors.


We are not saying that the source of black propaganda or the sponsor was Desierto. But the timing was suspect.

Golez, whose first name is a combination of "Romblon" and "Iloilo," wrote: "Dear Mr. Vidal, There is a group going around, in an apparent black propaganda campaign against me and my family, using fabricated documents, stating the big lie that my son is engaged in government contracting as well as besmirched my wife’s honor and reputation.

"I have only one son; he just turned 25 years old, fresh from college, and now taking up MBA at De La Salle University. My wife is the Managing Director of a U.S.-based company and my son helps as the Administrative and Stocks Manager. No member of the family — not even distant relatives by consanguinity or affinity — is involved in contracting work."


"My wife, though married to a politican, is virtually invisible in the political and government circles, because that is how we have preferred it to be since my Post Office days. She is one of the sweetest and gentlest persons on this earth — a woman truly worth dying for — and that is why we have remained happily married for more than 25 years.

"That a PR group, notorious in the PR circles for its foul and diabolical methods, is allegedly behind this vilification campaign paid for by persons threatened by my unrelenting position on certain national issues."  

In a parting paragraph, Golez added, "I say unto them: JEREMIAH (20:10-13) But the Lord is with me, like a mighty champion: my prosecutors will stumble, they will not triumph. In their failure they will be put to utter shame, to lasting, unforgettable confusion. O Lord of hosts, you who test the just, who probe mind and heart, let me witness the vengeance you take on them, for to you I have entrusted my cause.


 "May I therefore appeal for your assistance in dealing with these black propaganda artists. Thank you and warmest regards. Very truly yours, Roilo Golez (sgd)"

Desierto had every reason to run after Golez, who had accused Desierto of committing very scandalous offenses during his stint in government service.

In filing the impeachment case together with former Senator Rene Saguisag and the late former Comelec Commissioner Haydee Yorac, Golez called Desierto as "falsifier, perjurer and bribe taker."

By the way, the impeachment rap did not prosper and Desierto managed to wiggle himself out from the mess he was in for several months. When the battle ended, both camps had been badly damaged, like the Berlin City razed down by Allied Forces in World War II. This should not happen again. /MP

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