Friday, July 15, 2011

Entrepreneurial Farmer

Ambrosio R. Villorente

Sweet Death

Before midnight of Monday, July 11, a professor from Rizal Technological College, Tanay, Rizal died of Cardiovascular disease (CVD). He was 41 years old and was a delegate of his college to the Philippines Association of State Universities and Colleges conference being held at the Aklan State University in Banga.

Earlier that evening, he attended with his fellow delegates a fellowship dinner. After which, he with his room mate in the ASU guest house returned to their room. They rested, conversed but after a while he felt dizzy. His room mate called for help.

The victim was immediately brought to the DRSTMH, Kalibo.

But the victim died on the way. The physician on duty at DRSTMH pronounced him dead on arrival.

"All that live must die passing through nature to eternity", according to Shakespeare. That professor died in line of duty. He has a sweet and easy way of dying.


Who said Aklan is "drug free"? Shabu estimated to cost some P1 million was confiscated at Caticlan Airport upon its arrival. The PNP arrested two persons named Jonajim Lima and Alexander Mildred of Pasay City. They are charged before the Provincial Prosecutors Office, Kalibo, Aklan for violating the Com-prehensive Dangerous Drugs Act. This apprehen-sion is said to be the biggest in Boracay, Malay, Aklan.


President Benigno Simeon Aquino III seemed to fear the Aklanons during his visit. When he visited Caticlan, Malay about two weeks ago, he brought several hundreds of PSG. Some came days before his arrival.

During his arrival, thousand of soldiers and policemen with long arms were deployed to secure him. There were armored vehicles.

Similar happened last Tuesday, July 12 in Kalibo. While he was inside the ABL sports complex, a helicopter flew shortly before his arrival until his departure.

From the Kalibo International Airport, P-Noy motored directly to ABL in Estancia, Kalibo via the shortest route. Unlike other presidents before him, there was no motorcade to allow the people along the routes to view P-Noy. His last two visits in Aklan were very short of low quality visit.


Mayor Sarah Duterte of Davao City is now called the "boxing lady mayor" of the Philippines.

Boxing lady Mayor Sara Duterte requested the Sheriff to stay for two hours the houses demolition until her arrival. But Sheriff Abe Andres started the demolition even before she arrived. On her arrival, she boxed the Sheriff for four times resulting to a black left eye. The Provincial Sheriff Abe Andres was implementing Court Order to demolish houses constructed on a private real property in Davao City.

Asked if he will file court case against Mayor Duterte, Sheriff Andres said, "No". But the Sheriffs’ Association will do the filing of the case against the boxing lady mayor.


Aklan is an excellent democratic haven. Ukay-ukays are being displayed along the sidewalks, tricycle repair/vulcanizing shops are allowed to do business by the roadsides. These shops block the way, pollute the air with noise, smoke and oil spills that make the road slippery.

In front of the ABL Sports Complex, vendors enjoy spreading their things for sale even occupying one fourth (1/4) portion of the highway. Where is order of things? N-O-N-E!
But beware for a wayward vehicle might hit them. Where are the road safety enforcers? They are there present but highly tolerant. /MP

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