Friday, July 01, 2011

Reason & Concern

by Ronquillo C. Tolentino

Attribution of Poem Authorship

A poem titled "Lincoln’s Letter to his Son’s Teacher" had been falsely attributed to Abraham Lincoln. The poem’s language pattern had been doubted to be modern.

American historians and book authors are one in observing that the poem is falsely attributed to Abraham Lincoln emphasizing that the style of writing is not Lincoln’s and "there is no record anywhere that indicates that he could have written this. Its real author is unknown."

The poem which is hereunder quoted had been appraised by Cindy VanHorn, registrar of the Lincoln Memorial in Fort Wayne, Indiana that the phases are not 19th century phrasing and not Lincoln’s patterns. "Their English certainly didn’t have the 1860s feel of Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address."

While it is now considered that the authorship is a spurious attribution, it has been suggested that the title be changed simply as "An Anonymous Father’s Letter to His Son’s Teacher". After all, "there are timeless words of wisdom about educating children and could very well stand on their own without  guile or Lincoln".  Herewith is the poem :
Lincoln’s Letter To His Son’s Teacher

He will have to learn, I know, 
that all men are not just, 
all men are not true. 
But teach him also that 
for every scoundrel there is a hero; 
that for every selfish Politician, 
there is a dedicated leader… 
Teach him for every enemy there is a friend,
Steer him away from envy, 
if you can, 
teach him the secret of 
quiet laughter.
Let him learn early that 
the bullies are the easiest to lick… 
Teach him, if you can, 
the wonder of books… 
But also give him quiet time 
to ponder the eternal mystery of birds in the sky, 
bees in the sun, 
and the flowers on a green hillside.
In the school teach him 
it is far honourable to fail 
than to cheat… 
Teach him to have faith 
in his own ideas, 
even if everyone tells him 
they are wrong… 
Teach him to be gentle 
with gentle people, 
and tough with the tough.
Try to give my son
the strength not to follow the crowd
when everyone is getting on the band wagon…
Teach him to listen to all men…
but teach him also to filter
all he hears on a screen of truth,
and take only the good
that comes through.
Teach him if you can,
how to laugh when he is sad
Teach him there is no shame in tears,
Teach him to scoff at cynics
And to beware of too much sweetness…
Teach him to sell his brawn
and brain to the highest bidders
but never to put a price-tag
on his heart and soul.
Teach him to close his ears
to a howling mob
and to stand and fight
if he thinks he’s right.
Treat him gently,
but do not cuddle him,
because only the test
of fire makes fine steel.
Let him have the courage
to be impatient…
let him have the patience to be brave.
Teach him always
to have sublime faith in himself,
because then he will have
sublime faith in mankind.
This is a big order,
but see what you can do…
He is such a fine little fellow,
my son!

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