Thursday, July 28, 2011

Syngenta and ASU Save Bright Student From Leaving

by Richell R. Recoter

"Mark Joseph de los Santos, a 3rd year B. S. Agriculture student of the Aklan State University, Banga was not seen by his professors attending classes during this first semester of 2011. It was noted he has not enrolled. He is in the dean’s list student of the College of Agriculture, Forestry and Environmental Sciences", said CAFES Dean, Dr. Marilyn E. Romaquin.

The Aklan State University (ASU) officials and faculty were very concerned of his absence. To understand the absence of de los Santos, ASU did a remarkable and humanitarian gesture. A search operation for Mark Joseph in his hometown of Altavas, Aklan with the help of the town’s authorities was done. It yielded positive result.

According to Professor Eva Orlina, Mark’s adviser, "he is a gem for the college, an UPCAT passer, but poverty hindered him to enroll at UPLB." Even in ASU, the professors and dean signed as guarantors of his financial obligations so that he can continue his studies.

His father, a farmer died recently. So he decided to leave college because his mother’s income, a subsistence vendor, is not sufficient to pursue his dream of earning a college degree.

Syngenta, world’s leading agri-business multinational company based in Basel, Switzerland forged and signed a Memorandum of Agreement with the Aklan State University recently to provide a full scholarship grant to the poor but deserving students of Agriculture. Mark Joseph was highly recommended by ASU officials.

Richell Recoter, CSR Senior Coordinator of the Syngenta Foundation, Inc. formally interviewed Mark Joseph de los Santos in ASU on July 11, 2011. He found "Mark Joseph is highly qualified and meets the standard requirements that Syngenta is looking for a scholar.

Syngenta approved and will provide the PhP10,000.00 support to Mark Joseph’s schooling each semester. This amount will be spent for his full tuition and miscellaneous fees. The excess of the PhP10,000.00 must be for his other school needs and allowances. He will also be given a thesis support of PhP5,000.

Mark Joseph will also enjoy the privilege of being integrated in Syngenta’s CSR and technical activities in Panay to enhance his personality and knowledge.

The Syngenta Scholarship Memorandum of Agreement was signed by ASU President, Dr. Danilo E. Abayon and Napoleon T. Saavedra, Syngenta Vice President for External Affairs and OIC Head, CSR. /MP

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