Thursday, August 18, 2011

Entrepreneurial Farmer

Ambrosio R. Villorente

Mayor Bernardo J. Rodriguez, Sr.

Miss Richie Oloroso reported, the Aklan Sangguniang Panlalawigan has approved Balete Ordinance No. 009 – 2011 renaming the Mayor Bernardo J. Rodriguez, Sr. Memorial Hall into Balete Community College – Mayor Bernardo I. Rodriguez, Sr. Bldg. Oloroso is Administrative Aide I in Aklan SP, and Secretary, Aklan Pres Club, Inc.

The said resolution was approved during the Aklan SP’s 25th Regular Session held on August 3, 2011. The approval came shortly after the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) interposed no objection to the renaming. However, CHED suggested to retain Balete former Mayor’s name in respect of his memory.

Razon Tumbocon Haresco

In her honor, the honorable members of the Sangguniang Panlalawigan of Aklan has also named a 200 linear meters long bridge as "Commissioner Razon Tumbocon Haresco Guadalupe Bridge".

The said bridge is still under construction. When it is finished, it spans across Aklan river and connects the municipality of Madalag to the town of Banga. This will also further isolate the towns of Malinao and Lezo. Madalag can be reached by land from Kalibo passing Numancia, Lezo, and Malinao. Moreover, Madalag via Banga road is quite better and shorter than Madalag via Malinao road. Thereby, passing through it is more convenient, shorter time, and less expensive.

The said ordinance was jointly sponsored by Hon. Rodson F. Mayor and Hon. Jean O. Rodriguez. The Aklan SP approved it during its 27th Regular session held on August 17, 2011.

The ordinance as approved stated that the "naming of the 200 linear meters bridge linking Madalag to Banga is in honor of the late Commissioner Razon Tumbocon Haresco.

The late Razon Tumbocon Haresco served as Commissioner of the Philippines Tariff Commission in 1968 – 1974. She is also the mother of the Party List Cong. Teodorico T. Haresco, Jr. of Kasangga. Cong. Haresco is credited to have facilitated the construction of that 200 linear meters bridge under the President’s Bridge Program. Hence, the naming of it to Razon Haresco Tumbocon-Guadalupe bridge.

This bridge links Madalag to Banga, the construction of which is the realization of the long cherished dream of Madalagnons.

Guadalupe is the Patron Saint of Madalag which feast is celebrated every December.
For those who will soon follow the foot steps of leaders like Cong. Teodorico T. Haresco, Jr, better work hard, earn, and save money to build edifices for public use. Better still run for public office, have access to public coffers to build structure and name it in honor of your close relative. This will perpetuate your memory if not your close relative’s like your mother.

Juan Miguel Zubiri

But buildings like bridges constructed across a river maybe eroded and demolished as a legacy in the long run. If I may add, a monument of honor and dignity implanted in the hearts and mind of the people is everlasting. This is done by the resigned Senator Juan Miguel Zubiri because he wanted to immortalize honors and dignity in the hearts of every man.

Simply stated, construct a never ending legacy. /MP

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