Sunday, August 07, 2011

Reason & Concern

by Ronquillo C. Tolentino

Marquez’ Agricultural Development Program

Since his assumption as provincial governor of Aklan in 2004, Governor Carlito S. Marquez has followed to the hilt and strictly with sustaining and continuous passion the two major thrusts of his administration - tourism industry and agricultural development.

His agricultural development  program, conscious of the need for food security, is being accompanied with a regreening and beautification program. It is now proceeding on its fourth year. The re-greening and beautification program is an attraction for tourists going to Boracay and "for those who travel via the RORO nautical highway, with 176 participating barangays and 65 residential entries" according to the Aklan Provincial Tourism Office.

Aware of climate change and the apparent problem of food security besetting certain provinces in the country, the Marquez administration is implementing national program for agriculture such as, but not limited to : rice (hybrid, inbred, commercial), high value commercial crops (corn, mango, other fruits and vegetables) integrated pest management or Sakalikasan, Palayamanan Kabuhayan, organic farming system, abaca production, modified rapid composting and fisheries.

Although the rice production program suffered from El Niño and La Niña phenomena, Aklan remains a rice exporting province complementing the rice needs of other provinces. Aklan province had established concrete artificial reefs, fish enhancing devices, shoreline pro-tection and rehabilitation project, techno demo on high saline tilapia culture in cage, modified tilapia culture in pond, oyster culture, and the distribution of bangus fingerlings as part of the fishery development programs.

In retrospect, and the year is not far distant, a pilot project on pangasius fish culture, considered as the next big thing in fishery was initiated in 2010. It is projected to  present new business opportunities for Aklanons.

In April 2010, the Marquez provincial administration, through its Economic Enterprise Development Department and the Office of the Provincial Agriculturist with the technical supervision from the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources provincial fisheries office launched the Lambaklad project at Baybay, Makato worth P1.9 million. After six months of operation, it earned a net income of P579,935, more than half of which were allocated to Makato fisherfolks and their multi-purpose cooperative as their net income share. Similar Lambaklad projects are contemplated to be launched at Mabilo, Kalibo and Katipunan, Buruanga.

Financial assistance was provided by the Department of Agriculture for corn production, high value commercial crops, rice program  reaching P59.2 million. Also , a Pl5 million farm-to-market road was granted. Along with these is the announcement  made during President Aquino’s July 12, 2011 visit to Aklan, a P26 million agricultural fund for Aklan shall be available this year.

The Agricultural Training Institute granted funds for livelihood trainings and programs. Several thousands of hybrid corn seeds were distributed to 1,845 farmer beneficiaries amounting to P5 million for Aklan’s hybrid subsidy from Deparetment of Agriculture-RFU VI.

Vegetable production program resulted into the distribution of vegetable seeds benefiting thousands of farmers. Technology demonstration centers were established.

The Aklan provincial government distributed several thousands of Lakatan banana suckers, planted 13,260 mango trees in line with mango production program in 221‘ hectares complemented the reforestration efforts as tree seedlings were planted.

The production of abaca fiber had reached a total production of 1,242,344 kilograms valued at P50 million. The 2010 decrease in abaca production was traced to the abaca mosaic disease. This was controlled with the assistance of the Fiber Development Authority. There are now 4,208 hectares planted to abaca involving 4,109 farmers. It is during the Marquez administration when Aklan is ranked among the Philippines’ top ten producers of abaca.

NFA-Aklan continues effectively its palay procurement, rice and certified seeds distribution, milling and dispersal programs for the year preceding. Implementation of the hunger mitigation program and food for school program with the DepEd and the DSWD were done successfully. The Marquez administration may be considered as the leading exponent of Aklan’s agricultural development since Aklan became a separate and distinct province on April 25,1956 from Gov. Jose Raz Meñez to Gov.ernor Carlito S. Marquez.

I would end by hoping and praying that provincial administration would concentrate on agricultural development for food security as food security has become a serious national concern in the same vein and manner as Marquez administration is doing in its agricultural development efforts.

In the February 2011 food summit otherwise known as Agriculture and Fisheries 2025 (AF2025), the government has admitted that Agriculture and its development would be our answer to food security. /MP

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