Thursday, September 29, 2011

BGPC Is Born

Court Administrator Jose Midas Marquez of the Supreme Court of the Philippines was the guest of honor and inducting officer during the launching and induction program of the Boracay Global Press Corps (BGPC) held on Saturday evening, Sept. 24 at the Eco Village, Boracay, Malay, Aklan.

"Connecting the Wonders of Boracay Island to the World" serves as rallying theme and guide to BGPC officers and members in their quest to allure more visitors to come and enjoy in Aklan especially the world’s 2nd best beach.

BGPC is conceived as one international journalists organization equal if not better than other tourists oriented press associations of the world.

Justice Jose Midas Marquez filled the void of chief Justice Renato S. Corona who was unable to come to Boracay for the affair because of his other pressing matters.

Justice Marquez administered the oath of office to the following charter officers. Juan P. Dayang – president, Butz J. Maquinto – executive vice president, Diego C. Cagahastian – vice president for internal affairs, Louie T. Arriola – vice president for external affairs, Johnny C. Nuñez – board secretary, Alex G. Liu – treasurer, Al Labita – asst. secretary – treasurer, Allan T. Sison – auditor, Dr. Ambrosio R. Villorente, Maldwyn D. De Pano, Nelson S. Santos, Jaime C. Vistar, and Atty. Ronquillo C. Tolentino – directors. Atty. Allen S. Quimpo – president of the Northwestern Visayan Colleges, Kalibo is their adviser.

Kaibahang Butz J. Maquinto, station manager of RGMA – DYRU, Kalibo introduced the guest speaker, Justice Jose Midas Marquez in one sentence, but so comprehensive.

In his speech, Justice Marquez talked about the importance of the press in a democratic country like the Philippines. He pointed out the happiness, and the benefits the journalists enjoy. He also gave advice to fulfil fully well the duties of the press corps to society.

Dayang in his opening remarks discussed history, rationale, and objectives of BGPC.
Malay Mayor John P. Yap who was out of town was represented by his beautiful wife who welcomed the participants.

Aklan Gov.Carlito S. Marquez was represented by Atty. Diego M. Luces who read the governor’s welcome message.

The formation of the BGPC is hailed in their respective short speeches by Aklan Vice Governor Gabrielle V. Calizo-Quimpo, Allan T. Sison, president, Federation of Provincial Press, Jerry S. Yap – president, National Press Club, and Atty. Allen S. Quimpo, former congressman of Aklan. They agreed, it is a "welcome development, a
good thing happening".

The Special number rendered by the Madrigal Siblings of five songs on Filipino nationalism was highly applauded. The blending of their voices, the quality and manner of singing are really world class. /MP

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