Thursday, September 15, 2011

Entrepreneurial Farmer

Ambrosio R. Villorente

The ASU’s Bio-Diesel

The amount of P14.7 million was granted to the Aklan State University (ASU), Banga, Aklan to finance the construction of a Bio-Diesel project. The project when completed and made operational will process used motor oil and rancid cooking oil into diesel fuel.

This bio-diesel processing project was started during the presidency at ASU of Dr. Benny Palma. The funding came from the Department of Agriculture as a grant. However, until this writing, the said project is yet for completion.

Information reached the EF revealed some P9 million money for the project is still in the Land Bank of the Philippines, Kalibo Branch.

This Bio Diesel project is designed to process used motor oil and rancid vegetable oil to help increase diesel fuel supply and reduce its cost per liter in Aklan.


Going over the lyrics of the current Aklan Hymn written by Dr. Jesse M. Gomez, there is no denying that the Hymn will instill love among Aklanons to their dear Province of Aklan. The Hymn also portrays the beauty, the splendor, and assets of Aklan. The Hymn advocates utmost protection of the province.

On the other hand, the Hymn speaks nothing about solidarity, unity, and progress. After the province wide singing of the Aklan Hymn, some does it in obedience to the provincial ordinance compelling the singing of the Hymn in all government special activities like during programs.

Moreover, the Hymn advocates protection because Aklan as a province is pretty and rich of resources. Thus, it teaches Aklanons to love something like the province of Aklan because of its assets.

It is not yet late. Let no legislator legislate a song like the Aklan Hymn imposing on the people to sing it. Let love, appreciation and understanding develop among them and formalize it into a Provincial Hymn through an ordinance.

The urging, as the lyrics states, to love Aklan is due to its beauty and abundant natural resources like vast area of land and sea. Love anchored on beauty will fade away fast as beauty diminishes.

There is the saying, "Love flies out of the window when poverty knocks at the door". The lyrics of the hymn must inculcate love of country among the people unconditionally. Love must endure through thick and thin. One reason why our people are going Overseas Filipino Workers is their being in the state of poverty. If Aklan is endowed with rich natural resources, why are the 14 municipalities in Aklan included in the 4Ps?

The lyrics of the song must advocate maximum development of Aklan’s natural resources to make the people stay in Aklan peacefully, contented, and happy. There is a need to review the lyrics of the Aklan Hymn with the view to improve it and reflect the true and general aspirations of the Aklanons. /MP

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