Thursday, September 22, 2011

Fighting Poverty In Libacao And Madalag


A total of P22 million worth of infra projects and social services are in the pipeline stage of implementation by Kalahi–CIDSS to buttress poverty in the otherwise rich countryside of Aklan. This follows a Memorandum of Agreement contract signing entered into between Gov. Carlito S. Marquez of Aklan and key officials of Millennium Development Corporation (MDC) and Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) in July 2011. Priority target intervention are Libacao and Madalag which are previously identified by National Statistics Coordinating Board (NSCB) to have serious poverty incidence of more than 30 percent.

Kapit Bisig Laban Sa Kahirapan Comprehensive Integrated Development Social Services (Kalahi-CIDDS) is community–based program aimed to: a) empower community, b) improve local governance, and c) reduce poverty. Mr. Leo I. Quantilla, dep. regional project manager said that program has a span of three years with indicative grant of P450,000 per barangay per year. Need base funding is envisioned to provide vital infra and social/technical services for the poor and strengthen capacity resolve of communities to rid the scourge of poverty.

Projects implementation is hands on, more focused on problem solving and community involvement. Internalization of goals and objectives by every individual in a group is key to people empowerment. Basically, it takes six months of community immersion in the program before a project is actually started. This is done through a series of planning workshops conducted at barangay and municipal levels. Documentation is facilitated by two Area Coordinators who are Ms. Mary Grace Centena for Madalag and Mr. Renante Lasay – Libacao.

All 24 barangays of Libacao under Mayor Charito Navarosa have endorsed projects for implementation which are river wall protection, farm to market roads, rehabilitation of damaged irrigation system and hanging bridges. On the other hand, Madalag with 25 barangays under Mayor Rex Gubatina has yet to submit their report. Equity contribution of LGU’s to the project constitutes 30 percent (usually taken from IRA) as part of collective effort to insure people participation and success.

It is expected that actual project implementation shall commence by early January 2012. Simultaneously, Kalahi–CIDDS shall expand to five other municipalities which are Makato, Batan, New Washington, Tangalan, and Ibajay, all coastal sub-urban areas. As a result of stream-lining operations adopting transparency and accountability, earlier Kalahi–CIDDS program of DND and DAR are terminated and funds reverted to DSWD.

In its September 11, 2011 accomplishment report, priority provinces like Iloilo, Capiz, and Negros Occidental have either completed or partially finished projects that amounted to P1.31 billion funded by the World Bank.

Aklan which started barely two months ago hopefully will catch up with her neighbors with additional push by the Pantawid Pampamilya Pilipino Program also administered by DSWD. MDC is funded by the US government in the amount of $120 million as a pledge under the UN Millennium Development goals to reduce poverty incidence by 50 percent in 2015. /MP

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