Thursday, September 29, 2011

What Makes Man Prosper, Nation Great?

by Ernesto T. Solidum

The Weekly Kapihan at Smokehauz Resto & Bar on September 24, 2011 discussed the topic: "Peace and Order, Key To Development". The guests are PNP provincial director Cornelio Defensor, Supt. Aden Lagradante and PO3 Julius Barrientos of Kalibo, and lady guest is Ms. Vicky Ramos-Antonino, provincial co-chair, Aklan Provincial Tourism Council.

Ms. Antonino bared the month of August 2011, tourists influx to Boracay totalled 623,000, a valid proof that there is no more off and peak season tourist arrival in Aklan. Of these, two-thirds are locals while one third are foreigners. She brushed aside current crime rate since they are just petty ones and the PNP is competent and trained to handle situations as in the past.

"Despite our infra inadequacies like sub-standard airports, national highway and Jetty Port, Aklan still manages to attract more tourists. I subscribed to the concept of Pres. Benigno S. Aquinos’ private, public partnership (PPP) in pursuing an aggressive, dynamic and sustainable development of tourism under RA 9593", Ms. Antonino declared. She is scheduled to address participants in the UN-World Tourism Organi-zation conference in Sihanoukville, Cambodia on October 3. This global eco-tourism meeting of 50 member countries will focus on climate change where the Philippines is ranked 6th among countries considered extremely at-risk.

According to Col. Defensor, "there is a dramatic drop of 55.7 percent of crime incidence in Aklan from 1,572 cases in 2010 to 695 in 2011. Boracay registered the highest share of 32 percent while Kalibo has 22 percent. Crime rate is closely associated with intense business activity and population growth. However, police visibility, capability and deterrence are able to disrupt, dismantle, and defeat criminal elements.

Boracay has 68 police personnel and urgently needs three police patrol cars to increase mobility. An ideal police to population ratio however is 1:500. There are two SWAT Teams organized to respond to terrorist attacks but lack necessary equipment, Defensor reported.

The bill of Cong. Joeben T. Miraflores on the issuance of free patent to landowners in Boracay who have occupied the land for 30 years is stirring a hornets’ nest. A major land controversy in Boracay is Brent International School whose 4,000 square meters campus was forcibly occupied by an unnamed lawyer together with 40 armed protesters belonging to the Tirol family. The PNP has no recourse but to keep its hands off since the case is now in court.

Supt. Lagradante reported the two cases of robbery incidents in Kalibo which appear to be peculiar since it happened during the daytime. Three others have same modus operandi done in Boracay. Kalibo PNP has two patrol cars and 54 personnel to keep peace and order among 80,000 residents.

PO3 Barrientos, a member of Task Force implementing ordinances is closely monitoring compliance to Municipal Ordinance No. 2004 or Solid Waste Management. Ban against establishments selling liquor to minors, internet video gaming during class hours and videoke joints employing minors are given close watch.

PNP Chief Dep. Director General Nicanor Bartolome has adopted a one strike policy against police chiefs who fail to act against all forms of criminal activities in their area of responsibility.

Women trafficking and sex offenders preying on women and minors are common in Boracay but seldom in Kalibo and other towns. Dr. Sundi Romine, Pres. of "Called to Rescue", an NGO said that 1 out of 10 trafficked children in the world is Filipino. Every 12 minutes a Filipino child is trafficked and abused. Col. Defensor reported the 10 suspects have been charged before the Provincial Prosecutor’s Office.

San Miguel Corp through Trans Aire Development Holdings Corp is investing $300 million for the re-development of Caticlan Airport. It will lengthen the existing runway of 950 meters to 2,500 meters while the width will be doubled from 30 to 60 meters to accommodate arrivals of three (3) million tourists a year according to Ramon Ang of SMC.

Ms. Antonino advised San Miguel Corp to be aware of the present realities as total tourist arrivals in the country is only 3.5 million per year. During Pres. Aquino’s state visit to China, he managed to reach an accord with authorities to bring in 2 million tourists to the Philippines by 2016, a good five years away.

Before luring in more tourists to Aklan, it is best to evaluate our airports. It is terribly congested since it serves both domestic and international flights resulting to frequent delays and passenger losses. It is distasteful that CAAP elevated Kalibo Domestic Airport into an international facility despite inadequacies of convenience for both airlines and passengers.

The US Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) has downgraded the Philippine Aviation sector from Rating I to II since December 2007. Safety is overriding concern particularly: a) Lack of qualified safety personnel, and b) absence of integrated info technology system to modernize data base. This proves all 86 airports in the country are below standard. Declaring open skies policy to attract more airline flights is actually a pipe dream.

Every Filipino citizen must be an agent of peace and order if we desire to be a prime tourist destination. This is a primordial responsibility apart from enjoyment privilege. If everyone is vigilant about wrongdoers or who threatens peace and order and makes proper report to authorities, there may be no need of a battalion of cops to enforce the laws.

Aklan has achieved relative peace and order for the last decade. Many thanks to our men in uniform. Realistic develop-ment and prosperity among Aklanons are yet to be achieved. Tourism must benefit the big majority which can only come among industrious people. Believe in diligence, creativeness, and determination. They make a man prosper and a nation great. /MP

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