Thursday, October 27, 2011

DA 6 Fast Tracts Farm Mechanization Program

by James Earl E. Ogatis

The Department of Agriculture (DA) 6 encourages Local Government Units (LGUs) to fast tract their farm mechanization programs in their respective municipalities and provinces.

DA 6 Regional Executive Director Larry P. Nacionales said that under the Agri-Pinoy farm mechanization program, farmer-beneficiaries can now avail of on-farm machineries and rice mills under the 85 percent – 15 percent counter parting scheme wherein 85 percent will be shouldered by the Agri-Pinoy rice program and 15 percent will be the counterpart of the farmer-beneficiaries.

The reduction of the counterpart equity of the farmer-beneficiaries was decided after consistent feedback from the stakeholders on their inability to meet the 30 percent counterpart as earlier proposed, explained Dir. Nacionales.

Dir. Nacionales encourages the farmers association, cooperatives and irrigators associations to submit immediately their farm mechanization project proposals and come up with their respective counterpart in coordination with their respective LGUs in order to avail of the program.

Mr. Manuel O. Olanday, regional rice program focal person clarifies that the 85 percent – 15 percent scheme applies between DA 6 and LGU proponent res-pectively. Thus, FAs, Cooperatives and IAs will directly coordinate with the local agriculture office for this farm mechanization program.

DA 6 has a total proposed budget of P61.7 million for Western Visayas intended for the purchase of 200 units of hand tractor, nine units of 4-wheel tractor, 69 units of thresher, 10 units of rice combine harvester, 17 units of rice transplanter and 6 units of rice drum seeder.

Under this scheme, a proponent can avail of a hand tractor and thresher with a Php19,500 equity/unit; 4-wheel Tractor for an equity of P135,000.00/unit; rice combine harvester for an equity of P300,000/unit and rice transplanter for an equity of P45,000/unit. Rice drum seeder will be given as grant with an allocation of one unit per province.

Requirements to avail of the program include Duly Approved Project Proposal, Resolution Authorizing the Local Chief Executive to enter into MOA with DA, Resolution that the LGU will provide an equity equivalent to 15 percent of the total estimated cost of the facilities, Memorandum of Agreement, Compliance of COA Cir. 96-010, Deed of Donation/Usufruct or Certification if the lot is owned by the govern-ment and Authority from DA Secretary authorizing the RED to enter MOA (if the amount is above P5M).

Interested LGUs and farmers organization may coordinate with their respective local agriculture offices for details of the program. (JEEO/RAFID 6) /MP

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